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Working on cracking MY WPA - I reset it to use the default WPA password that's printed on the bottom of my router. Which is a 10 digit(numeric only) key (weak - I know)

So I am using Crunch inside of BT5R1 - I used the following command .crunch/ 10 10 -f charset.lst numeric -O wpalist.lst

It says the total file size is going to be 102 GB - does this seem VERY VERY high? - or am I smokin crack? I thought there Rainbow tables out there with pretty much everything that were around 500GB


Another note ran across this site http://howsecureismypassword.net/ **DONT ENTER YOUR PASSWORD** And entered just a random 10 digit number - according to this site the password can be cracked in 40 secs.

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Depending on the length of the pass-phrase and the complexity of it (mix-alpha-numeric with special characters) the rainbow tables could be huge in size, I mean in the Terabyte range.

Back to your question, I did a bit of calculation and a standard WPA-PSK numeric rainbow table, should be around 620MB. Unless your rainbow table contains other characters in it. Might want to check it again.

Where are you downloading the WPA Rainbow tables from?

Edited by Infiltrator
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Well I call BS on the information on that site with regards to speed in finding a 10 digit numeric password.

My setup is ;


i7 2600K CPU 3.4GHz

8 Gigs Ram

nVidia GTX 590 GPU

Now when running oclHashcat and basing it on 10x numeric values, my system would take

just under 2 days days to run through it. NOw I realise standard desktops are getting

better and better, but I dont consider mine a fully standard one tbh.

c:\oclHashcat>cudaHashcat-plus64.exe -m 2500 -a 3 -n 80 capture_fubar.hccap ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d

cudaHashcat-plus v0.07 by atom starting...

Hashes: 1

Unique salts: 1

Unique digests: 1

Bitmaps: 8 bits, 256 entries, 0x000000ff mask, 1024 bytes

GPU-Loops: 64

GPU-Accel: 80

Password lengths range: 8 - 15

Platform: NVidia compatible platform found

Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c

Device #1: GeForce GTX 590, 1536MB, 1225Mhz, 16MCU

Device #2: GeForce GTX 590, 1536MB, 1225Mhz, 16MCU

Device #1: Allocating 192MB host-memory

Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4318/m2500.sm_20.64.cubin

Device #2: Allocating 192MB host-memory

Device #2: Kernel ./kernels/4318/m2500.sm_20.64.cubin

tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => s

Status.......: Running

Input.Mode...: Mask (?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d)

Hash.Target..: FUBAR

Hash.Type....: WPA/WPA2

Time.Running.: 1 min, 51 secs

Time.Left....: 1 day, 23 hours

Time.Util....: 111429.5ms/725.2ms Real/CPU, 0.7% idle

Speed........: 58814 c/s Real, 65038 c/s GPU

Recovered....: 0/1 Digests, 0/1 Salts

Progress.....: 6553600/10000000000 (0.07%)

Rejected.....: 0/6553600 (0.00%)

HW.Monitor.#1: 99% GPU, 66c Temp

HW.Monitor.#2: 99% GPU, 69c Temp

tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => q

Status.......: Aborted

Input.Mode...: Mask (?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d)

Hash.Target..: FUBAR

Hash.Type....: WPA/WPA2

Time.Running.: 2 mins, 1 sec

Time.Left....: 1 day, 19 hours

Time.Util....: 121901.9ms/791.4ms Real/CPU, 0.7% idle

Speed........: 64514 c/s Real, 65040 c/s GPU

Recovered....: 0/1 Digests, 0/1 Salts

Progress.....: 7864320/10000000000 (0.08%)

Rejected.....: 0/7864320 (0.00%)

HW.Monitor.#1: 99% GPU, 67c Temp

HW.Monitor.#2: 99% GPU, 70c Temp

Started: Thu Feb 09 21:06:11 2012

Stopped: Thu Feb 09 21:08:13 2012

Now if you had a beast of a machine like the links in the bottom of my post, then possibly in a couple of hours.. but 40 seconds.. never.


The wordlist size for a 10 digit numeric wordlist seems correct (104904MB), I would

be surprised if bofh28 got his calculations wrong ;)

You can test the calculation yourself with the following info ;

(x^y) * (y+1) = size in bytes

x = The number of characters being used to create the wordlist

y = The number of characters the words/passphrases in the wordlist have.

So in your case enter the below in for instance Google ;

(10^10)*(10+1) bytes to gigabytes

Edited by TAPE
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