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Fix For Mon0 Is On Channel -1 Won't Set On Channel..script To Install Drivers

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This script downloads, patches and installs patched drivers and cleans up after...

Thanks to Travis Phillips for the scripts.. check out his blog it's really got some good info on it guys.



# This fix was found at:

# http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/06/solve-error-mon0-is-on-channel-1-but-ap.html


# If this script helps you be sure to drop him a line and

# say thanks!

echo -e "\n\033[1;32m###########################################"

echo -e "# Ubuntu Patched Drivers Installer Script #"

echo -e "# Tested on Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 #"

echo -e "###########################################"

echo " Coded By: Travis Phillips"

echo " Date: 01/18/2012"

echo " Website: http://theunl33t.blogspot.com"

echo -e -n "\n[*] Installing build-essential...\033[0m"

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential &> /dev/null

echo -e "\033[1;32mDone!"

echo -e -n "\n[*] Downloading Wireless Drivers...\033[0m"

wget http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/compat-wireless-2011-06-16.tar.bz2 &> /dev/null

echo -e "\033[1;32mDone!"

echo -e -n "\n[*] Extracting...\033[0m"

tar -jxf compat-wireless-2011-06-16.tar.bz2

cd compat-wireless-2011-06-16

echo -e "\033[1;32mDone!"

echo -e -n "\n[*] Downloading Patches...\033[0m"

wget http://patches.aircrack-ng.org/mac80211.compat08082009.wl_frag+ack_v1.patch &>12 /dev/null

wget http://patches.aircrack-ng.org/channel-negative-one-maxim.patch &>12 /dev/null

echo -e "\033[1;32mDone!"

echo -e -n "\n[*] Applying Patches...\033[0m"

patch -p1 < mac80211.compat08082009.wl_frag+ack_v1.patch &> /dev/null

patch ./net/wireless/chan.c channel-negative-one-maxim.patch &> /dev/null

echo -e "\033[1;32mDone!"

echo -e "\n[*] Building patched drivers and installing."

echo -e "\n\t\033[31mTHIS WILL TAKE ABOUT 5-10 mins..."

echo -e "\tPlease be patient and do *NOT* interrupt this process\033[0m\n"

make &> /dev/null

echo -e "\t \033[1;32m[*] Compiling Complete. Installing Drivers...\033[0m\n"

sudo make install &> /dev/null

echo -e "\033[1;32m[*] Installing Patched drivers completed!"

echo -e -n "\n[*] Cleaning Up...\033[0m"

cd ..

rm compat-wireless-2011-06-16.tar.bz2

rm -rf compat-wireless-2011-06-16

echo -e "\033[1;32mDone!"

echo -e "\n\n\t\t[*] \033[1;37mScript Finished! Please reboot to finish the patch.\033[0m\n\n"


To run save it to a save to a file called patchwifidrivers.sh and in a terminal type

Edited by n1tr0g3n

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