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Usb Wifi Supporting Ap Mode?


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Hi all-

I grabbed one of the ALFA USB WiFi AWUS036H from Hakshop - excited to start playing in backtrack, as my thinkpad wifi is lame at best.

Works great in the monitor mode ('natch - I've seen the shows) but.... I was hoping it supported master (AP) mode as well, which it seems not to, or I'm just a dolt...

Anyone know of a USB linux happy WiFi device that supports master/AP mode that is actually available???

I want to be able to quickly throw up an AP from my notebook after vpn tunneling to my home server so I can get to it with my phone using wifi...

Thanks in advance for suggestions-

-Rob A>

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Depending on how much you know about linux hostapd could be a good option. It takes a little bit of work to get set up but it does work. You have to get hostapd installed, have dhcp3-server installed and set up (not required but is nice), and get your iptables set up.

(edit) Read your post a little closer and if your only wanting to connect a few devices you wouldn't need a dhcp server. Can you use airmon-ng to set your internal wifi to moniter mode?

if airmon-ng does work with you internal wifi here is what you could do

1. connect to a wifi access point with your computer using the longer range ALFA card and then start your vpn

2. set up a wireless access point using hostapd and you internal wifi

The routing would be the most important thing here if you want your phones wifi traffic to go through the vpn. I don't know a whole lot about the routing but I have set up access point like i have describe using hostapd.

Edited by co2shaun
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