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Netstumbler glitch?


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Okay so yesterday Im out driving thru neighborhoods(We were looking for houses to buy to i brought my laptop for entertainment), and im going through neighborshoods with my laptop running netstumbler. Well today i was looking thru the logs. I had a channel 56 secured wireless internet named Mt. Rainier. Now mt. rainier is a mountain around here about maybe 50 or so miles from where i was. I think this might be a glitch in Netstumbler because i know the channels here in the states only go up to 11. But netstumbler sees it as a wep encrypted access point.It also has the nice little 001 as the being of the mac address that kinda tells me its a linksys router. So, Input anyone?


okay so i looked around a little bit, apprently the router was a 802.11a. which apprently uses channels 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, and 64. instead of 1-11. or to 14 in some cases.

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A friend of mine set up a fakeAP machine in the computer lab at school. It wreak havok with the school laptops, as they automatically connected to the strongest AP. Having one of those fancy SRC Cardbus 300 mW out cards didnt help the matter!!! :lol:

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What is Black Alchemy:

"The Forrester Group did a survey of how much people were spending on IT security in 2000, and their estimate was that most Fortune 500 companies were spending .0025 percent of revenue. Now, if you spent .0025 - and incidentally, those companies spend more than that on coffee - you deserve to be hacked. And by the way, you will be."

Love it. Simply love it.

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