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poyboy: I love that wallpaper, i used to have it on mine. Omega_ion HOUSE!!! its like a cult on my hall. they have a shine. i'm not kidding.


I asume you mean the top one, which is from the dogmax windowblinds theme.

The bottom one had never left my network until yesterday, or something


/me doesnt see a need for two threads so close to each other to display your desktop in


pah. Someone need to up his post count. Whats wrong with that??

better start bumping if you wwanna make the post farther apart!!!!


Sorry. Just had to do that. Take no offense. anyone.

pah. Someone need to up his post count. .

pah i dont actually give a fuck about post count


I kinda got... overloaded at work for a few months, leaving me trailing in my interest in technolust. However, I'm gonna be going back to college for a year to get a couple of IT qualifications for a possible Uni Programming course, and after listening to Sploitcast again, I've been feeling the need to get back in the scene.


Still August but hell, I'll post anyway. One of my companies' many logos:


Cool part was that my friend created it using standard mspaint. No photoshop, paint.net, anything. Just regular paint.

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