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Reinstalling Windows?

Mr Andrewson

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Ok ive decided it's the best for my computer that it needs reinstalling but is there a way to reinstall and not lose as much data?

'Cos i really don't wanna lose much i just wanna repair boot it or what ever to make it fast...

Ive tried booting from my original booting disk but it just won't unless i'm wrong and you uninstall windows then install again from cd on your computer?

I really need help 'cos this computer is doing my head in :(...

Help guys?


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Ahh reinstalling windows they joy "NOT"

Hmm if u want to save data, fx. iso's and exe's

Then u can make a new Partition and move the files over there

but u can only make a new partition if u have space that inset partitioned

or u can change the since of your windows partition to get the space that inset partitioned, or just move the files to a other hard-disk.

If u ask me what I think is the best way to get your computer speeded up, whit out buying something, will be to make a clean install, that means that u erase the partition your windows installation was on and install it there again.

I just got a laptop today and the first thing i did was to reinstall it so I got writ of all the factory settings and programs, i have a 100gb in this laptop and I partitioned it so there is a 40 gig partition for windows, games and stuff like that, and the rest I haven’t partitioned, why you may ask yourself, caucus I am lazy and after a lot 3 and ½ hour of installing stuff i just wont partition anymore right now, and cause I am thinking of if I want to use 10,15 or 20 gigs on Linux and the rest on a storage/backup partition.

But anyways to get back on the topic, I think that 1 of the only ways to speed up a com is to reinstall windows or using some tools like CCleaner and stuff like that.

I'll try but if all fails how can i fully reinstall windows?

Then u can remove all your partitons on your pc and install windows again right from the bottom "renember to chek if u got a working windows cd and key"

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Just pop the windows cd in your drive and reboot and then boot from the cd then u can see if it works

If your com dosent autodect the cd your need to go in to the BIOS and change the boot priority so the cd-rom drive is the first. I usualy set my Boot priority like this

1. Floppy "On the computers that got 1"

2. Cd-Rom

3. Hard-Disk

The only way i know of how to know if your cd-key is valid is to see if its on 1 of those stickers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could use Norton Ghost. It's what i do, and takes me less time that formating-> installing or reeinstaling, Cuz time is money.

the only thing you have to do that takes much time is to format and install the windows. for the first time.

If your getting bored, don't forget to play solitaire or spider. you need to have about 20% of instalation completed. Then press Shift+F10 and type "start sol" or "start spider". Thanks HAK5 for this :D :D

when it's done, you can setup your pc like you want to, like install the programs you want.

Then reboot the pc, insert the Norton Ghost disket and make a copy of the partition of the windows to another partition. it takes about 7 minutes to creat this ghost.

And when the windows is stating to fall apart you just need to save the data that you whant in the windows partition to another partition. And format that "DooMed" :D partition, and go to Norton Ghost.

That it will take 5 minutes.

It's to easy.

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You all are wrong the best thing to do is skip reinstalling windows it blows donkey dick and just take a month or so too decide which linux distro you like the best , i dual boot my laptop with windows and xp just because my classes at ITT tech have system requirments and windows is one of those requirments linux only takes a few days to get when you find the distro you like and if your like me once you get used to lionux then something comes up where you ned to dual boot you will see why windows sux , i didnt know how much it did until i reinstalled and rebooted it at leaset 10 times of course its nice to be able to use some of the dlls for wine in linux since i can read my windows partition in linux , anyways on topic switch too linux most of the stuff you want can be found for linux unless you play alot of games in which case look into crossover office or cedega they are both good , you dont have to reboot linux to modify the kernel if it locks up hit crtl+alt+backspace and log into the GUI again no long reboots , and i havent even turned off my linux computers in 1 month i have had power failures or other things but no OS hard crashes soft crashes are easier to recover from in linux , just read up use vmware for a little while if that makes you more comfortable but windows is so much less powerful than Linux

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You all are wrong the best thing to do is skip reinstalling windows it blows donkey dick

Dude, that's not a good way to make an entrance... I see you're new here, don't take that attitude otherwise a lot of people will suddenly take a strong dislike to you. It's a matter of opinion, it doesn't mean that everyone else is 'wrong'.

I don't wanna hear your Windows bashing... I use Windows, it works... sure, so does Linux but if I (or anyone else, such as Mr Andrewson) want to use Windows then so be it.

Thank you and good night.

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I don't wanna hear your Windows bashing... I use Windows, it works... sure, so does Linux but if I (or anyone else, such as Mr Andrewson) want to use Windows then so be it.

Thank you and good night.

So be it yes. I have several problems with windows/Microsoft , biggest problem is that Microsoft cant be the leader by using normal and legal trade practices ,and they wont share with anyone only steal from everyone they want to then can fight a legal battle until the other person is out of money and they win by default. im not getting into that but im sorry people will not hate me for bashing windows lots of people dont like it. Also i am only new to this particular forum not to the tech scene so dont say cause im new i dont know anything


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I don't wanna hear your Windows bashing... I use Windows' date=' it works... sure, so does Linux but if I (or anyone else, such as Mr Andrewson) want to use Windows then so be it.

Thank you and good night.[/quote']

So be it yes. I have several problems with windows/Microsoft , biggest problem is that Microsoft cant be the leader by using normal and legal trade practices ,and they wont share with anyone only steal from everyone they want to then can fight a legal battle until the other person is out of money and they win by default. im not getting into that but im sorry people will not hate me for bashing windows lots of people dont like it. Also i am only new to this particular forum not to the tech scene so dont say cause im new i dont know anything


So just becasue you don't like the way Microsoft runs the biz part of the company, you're going to shove linux down someone's neck?!

I'm on Vista/XP now and I use it because it WORKS BETTER then linux for what I need it for, and my server windows too becasue it's better for what I need in a server..

I also have a linux box running right now and it's generating the rainbow tables.. but that's beside the point

If I had to start with linux when i first got interested in computers I'd have given up along time ago... Linux is not easy for new people(wasen't when I started) Windows is.

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