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/desperately wants a laptop that will run linux.

(I have a 66mhz pentium laptop that weighs about 8 lbs

desperately wants your p66 laptop.

i had a celeron 1ghz, man celerons are crap. I installed a game called risk2, the laptop somehow manage to hit a wall at high velocity. it don't work no more.

i had a celeron 1ghz, man celerons are crap. I installed a game called risk2, the laptop somehow manage to hit a wall at high velocity. it don't work no more.

ho my. Approximately how many feet-per-second was the laptop traveling at just before impact?


metatron how did you manage to get loads of laptops, did you just take them off people who didnt want them anymore?

I got them from behind a telephone exchange, when they where updating all the offices computers.

It's a 1GHz so it's likely either a;

Athlon, Duron, PIII or Celeron...

Its a Athlon i think, i have just been buisy latly starting up in school again and now i am sick, so im propably gonna hook the com up tonight and play whit it

did you just walk past it 1 day and see all these laptops in the trash or something and thought O.o ill have them.

I’ve gone dumpster diving since I was 14 for equipment and information and I still go with a few friends from 2600 meetings once a weeks. We usually head down to business/ industrial estates, telephone exchanges and behind computer shops and do a bit of war driving, phreaking, urban exploration and just have a laugh.We split up anything worth taking.

When I got the laptops they also had around 50 phones, 50 PC’s (P3’s), 30 SPARCstation’s and a load of random equipment, I just wanted 30 of the laptops.

Most of the time you don’t get that much equipment in one load, but we went out last night and got 6 PC’s, a KVM, 2 mobile phones and 3 3Com switches. I didn’t want any of it, but we had some fun.


Damn i gotta go Dumbster Diving some day, just 1 problem there arent realy any dumbsters here in Dk in that way

Damn i gotta go Dumbster Diving some day, just 1 problem there arent realy any dumbsters here in Dk in that way

You can go on your own but its best to work in a group of three as you can have one person as a lookout and two guys loading the car/van up with stuff.


If i finde some spots where i can in Copenhagen i am gonna do it, whit 2 freinds or 1 freind and my bro :P


You can do alot with that machine as these posters have already proved. I have a machine like yours, it's a pos gateway. But I used it to learn the Fedora Core. :o

And I need to go dumpster diving one of these days, I've never been. Maybe I can find some interesting stuff.

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