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why the taliban can't beat america


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I had to create a youtube account to verify that I was old enough to watch that vid. How is a jackass shooting (what looks to be an old m1 grand) and not knowing how to properly stand, thus falling to the ground make it not apropreiate for young viewers?

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I belive the correct answer to the question "Why can't the taliban can't beat america?" is "They don't want to." The middle east is oil rich, america will pay lots of money for this oil. They only attack america ocasionaly to make oil priceses higher. I'm not exacly sure how that works, but I'm sure they do. If they realy wanted to destroy america they would have done it by now. The CIA and NSA don't seem to beable to stop them at least.

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I didn't watch the video becasue you have to register for an acount, this I refuse to do on you tube for some reason. I'm not sure why, I just dislike the site (I prefer Google video). As such I took every thing I know from what the thread title and what others have said. What ever, you know I'm probably right :P

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i didn't realise it required an account, i must have logged in before

don't create an account if you don't wanna. It's not THAT funny.

and no, i wasn't trying to start a debate about terrorism. I just found a funny clip on youtube, THAT'S ALL

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I see no debate here

There all CIA trained (indirectly) and who's ever gonna beat themselves off?... unless they're 'roan-re'


America needs more Marines...

President G W Bush cried out today for more Americans to join the fight!

Bush's advisors have told him that in order to win his quote 'War on impotence', he needs to 'shoot atleast one million seamen a day'

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I didn't watch the video becasue you have to register for an acount, this I refuse to do on you tube for some reason.

BugMeNot is your friend, and the firefox extension is more than just a friend.

I think it's more the fact that you have to register to see something... If I click forum links and it takes me to a login page I don't like either...

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