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I don't use bookmarks really. I know the addresses of where I'm going. And if I don't I hit CTRL+K to google it, or ALT+D "wp %s" to wikipedia it, or some other shortcut.

This is my toolbar with a few select links to places that I check frequently.


Same here. In fact i recreate my bookmarks every reformat, they're very few.

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My bookmarks are used as a haven for sites I visit once every few months and for bookmarking things I don't have time to read depending on where I am and what I'm doing at the time. I suffer from chaotically unorgansised bookmarks like many people here, I really should sort them out sometime but I'm sure most Firefox users know the agony of that and I'm too lazy to do it manually.

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Yeah, funny thing... I was messing with my bookmarks about a week ago, and...well I'm not exactly sure what happened to them, but they disappeared. So these were just the sites i've added since then, I had a bunch of other stuff, most of it not completely useful. I guess I can just think of this as end of summer cleaning, or something.

Note the universities listed are the ones I plan on applying to in 1 and a half years time. Gah. If the application process for uni is anything like it was applying to the school i'm going to now, I'm going to be a wreck!

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Yeah, funny thing... I was messing with my bookmarks about a week ago, and...well I'm not exactly sure what happened to them, but they disappeared.

Try searching your drives for opera6.adr.bak erm well I think it's still labled '6'

My bookmarks? the misses uses my account :( and well she'd kill me if I show'ed y'all her p0rn links :D LMAO

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ok here's what I don't get, and this isn't a knock on anyone, but why bookmark things like slashdot, digg, wikipedia, gmail

I mean, it's not like one day you'll forget the address to wikipedia and hung through your bookmarks saying to yourself "i knew i had it around here somewhere"

hell, half the time if i dont remember the url i just google it anyway.

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ok here's what I don't get, and this isn't a knock on anyone, but why bookmark things like slashdot, digg, wikipedia, gmail

I mean, it's not like one day you'll forget the address to wikipedia and hung through your bookmarks saying to yourself "i knew i had it around here somewhere"

hell, half the time if i dont remember the url i just google it anyway.

bookmarking sites like these allows one handed access to said site. Why would one need one handed access...well....the other hand...might be dirty. Yes.

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