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[Suggestion] Keyboard Caps Lock As Communication


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Does anyone know how the keyboard lock works?

I wonder if we could use the keyboard caps lock as a trigger to tell the duck when the OS has enabled the HID device.

maybe the code would be turn on & turn off caps lock until the os sends the signal back that it accepts the change... The duck can load its payload.

Does this make sense to anyone?

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Well, it could be tricky because the USBRD is a separate keyboard to any PS/2 or USB keyboards you may have connected to your PC as well. Also, seeing as they are both HID devices they communicate one-way to the PC. So the USBRD wouldn't be able to acknowledge any change in caps lock from another HID device. (As far as I am aware).

You could do a similar thing by soldering a button(s) to the ducky and then adding your own code to the firmware to execute Inject1.bin, Inject2.bin, Inject3.bin, etc depending on how many times the button was pressed in sequence (over a 3 second time stop, for example). However, you would need to wait for firmware to be released on the wiki...

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I just tested this and when using NUMLOCK it affected the Number lock on my keyboard

this is the code I used.


The Number lock flashed on my keyboard. My question is there a way for the Duck to read that the number lock is toggled? If so then it could be used as a communication vector.

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The same way that any Microcontroller can light up.

A piece of code waits for the num lock button to be pressed, and then turns the light on. Once the light is on, it appears that it also toggles something in Windows as well. I think this is right, because according to your post above, the num lock function in a ducky script activates on a physical keyboard as well..

Also, may I ask, is your physical keyboard USB or PS/2?

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