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Airpwn1.4 Backtrack 5


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hey guys, i have downloaded the new version of backtrack 5 and i found that at first airdrop wasn't working (refer to one of my earlier posts) and couldn't get it working so i reinstalled backtrack 5 on my laptop.

The specs are as follows - msi cr630 laptop with 64 bit windows 7 dual booted with backtrack 5 64 bit kde

airdrop is working since the reinstallment but i am having trouble with the airpwn part. i followed several tutorials oline especially those by Tim Ashley but everytime i try to start up airpwn1.4 i get the following message:

airpwn: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.4.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I really hope that some of you guys will be able to find a solution to this puzzling problem, it has been driving my crazy for three days.

All replies will be greatly appreciated.

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i tried to find and install it but when i follow tim ashleys tutorial on timashley.me/node 718 the part that says:

sudo dpkg -i python2.4-minimal.deb python2.4.deb python2.4-dev.deb

it get the following results everytime:

root@bt:~# sudo dpkg -i python2.4-minimal.deb python2.4.deb python2.4-dev.deb

dpkg: error processing python2.4-minimal.deb (--install):

cannot access archive: No such file or directory

dpkg: error processing python2.4.deb (--install):

cannot access archive: No such file or directory

dpkg: error processing python2.4-dev.deb (--install):

cannot access archive: No such file or directory

Errors were encountered while processing:





This tutorial worked for me perfectly the first time it tried it on Backtrack 5 kde 32-bit, but now circumstances have changed and i am forced to use Backtrack 5 kde 64-bit version and cannot get airpwn installed as this little problem is stopping me.

Yes i have looked on the internet and googled everything i can thing of so if anyone has any ideas about what i'm doing wrong please tell me

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ok i got it working somehow but when i run airpwn i am greeted with:

root@bt:/pentest/wireless/airpwn-1.4# sudo airpwn -c conf/greet_html -d mac80211 -i mon0 -F -v

Parsing configuration file..

Opening command socket..

Opening monitor socket..

Opening injection socket..

LORCON - tx80211_setmode(...) is deprecated, please use tx80211_setfunctionalmode(...) instead

Error setting monitor mode for interface .

Listening for packets...

My interface is in monitor mode, but cant find the error. Does anyone have any fixes or advise?

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Thats true but i tried it both ways - first starting up the program and it saying "Error setting monitor mode for interface ." so i did it manually and still getting the same result.

My card successfully goes into monitor mode but i get that error everytime i run airpwn. Whats going on and would this result in airpwn running incorrectly because even though i get that error it still says "Looking for Packets".

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Briefly read through this topic... anytime my card goes into monitor mode, be it for kismet, aireplay-ng, airodump-ng, whatever, it needs to be manually locked to the target channel using iwconfig config. If I want to scan channels I won't specify a channel. Then with just about all the wifi tools I use I have to specify a channel in the command.

Also looks like maybe you're not using the right driver. Some cards also will also only work with certain drivers if compat-wireless is installed, some drivers don't work well with certain distros, could be a lot of things.

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Briefly read through this topic... anytime my card goes into monitor mode, be it for kismet, aireplay-ng, airodump-ng, whatever, it needs to be manually locked to the target channel using iwconfig config. If I want to scan channels I won't specify a channel. Then with just about all the wifi tools I use I have to specify a channel in the command.

Also looks like maybe you're not using the right driver. Some cards also will also only work with certain drivers if compat-wireless is installed, some drivers don't work well with certain distros, could be a lot of things.

i know how to lock down a target channel for say airodump and kismet but whats the command for locking a channel in airpwn? is it the same

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  • 1 month later...

hey guys, i have downloaded the new version of backtrack 5 and i found that at first airdrop wasn't working (refer to one of my earlier posts) and couldn't get it working so i reinstalled backtrack 5 on my laptop.

The specs are as follows - msi cr630 laptop with 64 bit windows 7 dual booted with backtrack 5 64 bit kde

airdrop is working since the reinstallment but i am having trouble with the airpwn part. i followed several tutorials oline especially those by Tim Ashley but everytime i try to start up airpwn1.4 i get the following message:

airpwn: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.4.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I really hope that some of you guys will be able to find a solution to this puzzling problem, it has been driving my crazy for three days.

All replies will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks you for the post.

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I've not used airpwn, but try the following. After boot and everything is up, recycle the wireless. Bring it down and back up. Then use airmon-zc start card#. This will split your wifi card into two interfaces, both a default managed mode and a mon0 monitor mode. Then try the airpwn steps with mon0. If you want to capture pcaps, using something like airodump-ng, use the -c # where # is the channel you want to capture on, -w dump where dump is the name of the pcap files(no extension needed, it creates several files for you in /root.


airodump-ng -c 6 -w dump mon0

The other thoughts, run everything as root, no sudo limited user login, boot as root, and also, some tools are 32-bit compatible only. Not everything seems to work in the 64-bit environment without compiling programs from source in some cases. Certain wireless tools for example, only work in the 32-bit backtrack versions.

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You mean airmon-ng start *interface* ?

Never seen the -zc before.

So it's a currently under development to replace airmon-ng. Not sure why the rebuild and name change.

zc is some sort of dev thing supposed to replace the airmon-ng, but I've been using it with no issues. Its in bt5 already. I have had issues with airmon-ng in the past though, just card not showing anything when in monitor mode, not honoring channel selection in airodump and getting the channel -1 error some peopel get. Maybe not related to airmon-ng specifically, and could be coincidental, but the zc seems to work with no issue for me.

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I would hope that they change the name back to ng after it is ready for the masses.

It was a little harder than I thought to google it as well.

I personally have had no issues with airmon-ng. It will mostly depend on hardware drivers and manufacturers for the cards if people have issues. I guess I've gotten lucky and have had no issues ever :).

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A tutorial on how to use Airpwn

And how to install Airpwn


Edited by Infiltrator
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  • 4 weeks later...

airmon-zc works for alot of the intel chipsets, theres a patch somewhere out that to work around this, as most (if not all) scripts implement airmon-ng and rewriting them tends to screw everything up. I tried this with gerix wifi cracker and my SSID list filled with a bunch of errors instead of AP's. Find a patch, or get a alfa, dont deal with airmon-zc.

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