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looking for a podcast downloading program


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i love itunes' podcast feature and how you can easily sync up your ipod with all your podcasts. the problem is, i dont have an ipod. well, since apple wants me to buy it's $300 version of my $200 Sansa e260, i want a program that can download podcasts (revision3, twit.tv stuff, fts, 4cr, tikibar, and of course, hak5) using rss feeds and (maybe; not required) put them on my mp3 player's drive whenever i plug it in. question: what program?

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I use Juice.

But if anyone knows about a portable podcast downloader that I can put directly onto my mp3 player please let me know. If there isn't one I might just have to code it myself.

What kind of MP3 player do you have? most likely puting a Podcast downloader on to your MP3 player ould be useless if it does not have WiFi. You could have the app loaded on to your player to run every time that you plug it into a computer, you can resync with the world.

is that Laughing Man?

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I have an iAudio U2 which uses a standard USB cable and presents itself to computers as a standard removeable drive without any aditional drivers. And since I use a couple of different computers it would be practical to have the downloader on the player instead.

And yes, yes it is. With my own head behind it.

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portable juice seems to exist:


It sounds like you might need to change the podcast folder to on your mp3 player though.

By the looks of it that is not really portable in any sense other than that it actually runs without being installed. From what I gather from the known issues it still seems to be using the registry and needs to write to another drive.

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