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Java Programming Question


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Im in AP Comp Sci (Highschool) and our Teacher is teaching us Java.

I have some experience with Visual Basic and C++ so the logic is not a problem.

(I've gotten the syntax pretty much down for java as well)

I am having some trouble with the graphics aspect with it.

(By graphics I don't mean the GUI more towards Graphics g ,paint, sprite animation, etc.)

(I want to create a simple java game (perhaps a game like pong?) for extra credit in the class (not that I need it :D) and to learn a bit more about it.)

I was just wondering if you guys have any books that go into detail about the graphical aspect of Java.

I've browsed google and have downloaded a few pdf's on the subject and ordered some books from Amazon,

I just would like to know what references you guys would recommend if any.

Thanks for the help guys,


Side Note would Ruby be a good language to learn next? Or would Python be a better choice? Python just seems to be a more "free" language.

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Regarding Java, are you trying to do it purely with Java's standard libraries, or are you looking at 3rd party languages or frameworks for doing graphics?

As for what to learn next, both Ruby and Python are roughly equivalent. There are many slight differences between them (FFI, performance, lambdas, syntactic sugar, etc). However, they both lean heavily on the same core principles and mechanics. I don't think that either language will really teach anything new that you haven't learned working with C++ and Java, they will make it more convenient to apply the same concepts you are already familiar with.

I would recommend learning a different language that will challenge you. If you want to ease into it, Scala is all about extending Java with concepts from Functional Programming. It's regarded as a good way to ease into the topic. On the other hand, you could jump in head first and learn Haskell, Erlang, or one of the Lisps. Unlike Scala, they won't pander to your preconceived notions about problem solving with OOP. They will force you to learn a new way of thinking about your data and how to manipulate it. Learning one of these languages will help you to grow as a programmer and improve the quality of your code in any language you use.

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Regarding Java, are you trying to do it purely with Java's standard libraries, or are you looking at 3rd party languages or frameworks for doing graphics?

As for what to learn next, both Ruby and Python are roughly equivalent. There are many slight differences between them (FFI, performance, lambdas, syntactic sugar, etc). However, they both lean heavily on the same core principles and mechanics. I don't think that either language will really teach anything new that you haven't learned working with C++ and Java, they will make it more convenient to apply the same concepts you are already familiar with.

I would recommend learning a different language that will challenge you. If you want to ease into it, Scala is all about extending Java with concepts from Functional Programming. It's regarded as a good way to ease into the topic. On the other hand, you could jump in head first and learn Haskell, Erlang, or one of the Lisps. Unlike Scala, they won't pander to your preconceived notions about problem solving with OOP. They will force you to learn a new way of thinking about your data and how to manipulate it. Learning one of these languages will help you to grow as a programmer and improve the quality of your code in any language you use.

I want to stick to the java language(for graphics), other than that

I don't have a problem with using any other tools/frameworks.

I'll look into Haskell, I've never heard of it before, once I get Java down to pat.

Thanks for the suggestions on Functional Programming, I'll probably get into that next.

Thanks again,


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I was in your shoes just a year ago. The first thing you need to know about Java is that graphics is NOT its strong point. However there is a way to make a visual game. Try looking up "threads" and "listeners". The threads will move the objects and the listeners will allow you to interact with the game. It is very time-consuming but it is very easy. Have fun and Happy coding!


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