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Karma Is Up But Nothing Happens :(

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I was going to post in an open thread but I realized his problem is slightly different.

Background: I bought this pineapple from the hakshop.

I can enable karma and it WILL stay ON , but it doesn't work.

I have also tried the auto startup script mod on karma and that part works (as in it shows ON in the status when I check ) but will still not be the "yes man" the only network I see is Pineapple.

I have also tried seeing if it was just my pc, I have tried win 7 ubuntu xp and android phone.




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I have an interesting discovery, I don't know if it effects anything, but when i switch to whitelist, this shows in the log , kernel: KARMA: ssid ["anytest"] not found in whitelist so rejecting (that is my phone looking for anytest) so it seems to be at least partially working, however in blacklist nothing shows and my phone still acts as if it doesn't see anytest

ALSO< i have just gone back and reflashed the device, no change

interesting, when i turn karma on it doesn't show in the log. Is it supposed to?

Edited by combatwombat27
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