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Using Txpower To Improve The Signal Level

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I found this interesting thread on how to increase the signal strength on the Fon: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=14093&st=0&p=140372&hl=range&fromsearch=1entry140372

So I edited /etc/config/wireless and changed option txpower '0' to option txpower '8'.

The power (as shown by iwconfig) changed from Link Quality=55/70 Signal level=-55 dBm to Link Quality=64/70 Signal level=-46 dBm.

I am wondering if any more improvement is possible? What would happen if txpower was set to (for example '12'?

Also: this is a basic question but I seem to have lost the WRT GUI so I don't know what the acceptable values are for the signal strength settings. Where can I find the HTML file?


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I used to use something like this, when I first got the pineapple, it would have TERRIBLE range and so in the jasager file after auto starting jasager in /etc/init.d/jasager I added the line

iwconfig ath0 txpower auto

but I am going to try your way.

Edited by UnDeFiNeD
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  • 3 weeks later...

I used to use something like this, when I first got the pineapple, it would have TERRIBLE range and so in the jasager file after auto starting jasager in /etc/init.d/jasager I added the line

iwconfig ath0 txpower auto

but I am going to try your way.

Did you notice any difference or improvement?

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It's simply that some devices are stronger than others.

There can be many factors during the design of such a device - cost, power consumption etc.

Keep in mind that radio transmission power is regulated by the government so manufacturers can't go crazy with it.

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