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Happy Tauday

Jason Cooper

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Tau bugs me. lets substitute a value to make a small set of equations look better?? When was the last time you measured the radius of anything? Never! You measured the diameter. On a physical application it is utterly stupid. On a pure mathematical application, it doesn't matter. If you have a problem using pi do not use math..at all...ever..you might cause a fire.

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Tau bugs me. lets substitute a value to make a small set of equations look better?? When was the last time you measured the radius of anything? Never! You measured the diameter. On a physical application it is utterly stupid. On a pure mathematical application, it doesn't matter. If you have a problem using pi do not use math..at all...ever..you might cause a fire.

You do realise that you can use whichever one fits best in the equation. There are somethings that are more intuitive using tau and others that are more instinctive using pi, you don't have to pick sides (they aren't vim and emacs).

p.s. a belated pi day to elegin :)

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Really, how hard is it to just write or type 2π.

Very. For one thing, there's no key for it on a standard QWERTY keyboard. And whenever I try to write it I feel like a child learning to write for the first time... and it always looks weird.

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The fact you have to define tau as a multiple of pi defeats the entire purpose of the system. There are a ton of formulas that us pi ( http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PiFormulas.html ) not to mentions function like Euler's identity..

I know they go one and explain how the how the sin/cos go to 1, but they don't go into the utter crap of dealing with 1 as a mathematical problem is solving equations.

I won't even go into the unit circle. Tau is what mathematician who need to produce a paper come up with, dig around for math constance and see the crazy number theory of meaningless mathematical observation!!! Insane.

Keep in mind, I am half joking about this..but to prove my point I will show without a doubt why tau is wrong!!

Are you ready?

There is no tau key on any calculator!! Therefore the tau is a lie!

Happy 2pi day!

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