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So I got the pineapple set it up on my lap top (win XP) now heres my prob. on my laptop i can acess the internet, Jasager and the webif and it shows people are conected it also shows there mac,ssid,and it shows an ip for them but the people connected have no internet on their computers.... Soo what could be the prob lol


so i moved the ics to the pineapple and set everything up then i could not get into jasager so i set it up back the way i first had it no im back to square one lol the lap top im using as a "mark" has vista i dont know if thats a problem but it shows it has a i.p in jasager but has no internet =( i can post screenshots of everything if ya need


ICS should be running on the device that the Fon is connected to, it shares the internet connection between the machine and the Fon, the Fon can then share it out to the clients. There are loads of guides on setting it up, have a read through those and make sure you've done what needs doing.

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