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Job Hunting Question


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So I had an idea and found that it already is a common business practice for job seekers. As we all know it's a pain to keep a stack or even a few of your resumes with you at all times. So I found out about a Micro Resume, which is essentially a business card sized resume that simply has your name, contact information, and relevant skills.

My question to you all is simply has anyone ever done this before and had any kind of success with it? If so what kind of design did you use? Plain white with black text? Or did you use a design from vistaprint?

I'd love to get some feedback on this.

Thanks Guys!

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So I found out about a Micro Resume, which is essentially a business card sized resume that simply has your name, contact information, and relevant skills.

Sounds like you are describing a business card.

One thing I thought was interesting; I have once seen a URL to the person's linkedin page on a business card. I think that is a good idea, because they can look up your whole CV on there if they want.

However, I really don't know how useful it would be. I can imagine that a recruiter or idiot HR guy is really not going to bother to look up your details unless from the business card he sees that you are highly trained, in very specialised profession for which he does not have alot of candidates, but has to fill an opening. Otherwise I think a proper CV might be a better idea because it better accommodates that inherent laziness in all HR people/recruiters.

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I always try to maintain my resume current. Whenever I do a training or certification, I always put that down on my resume and always keep a copy safe on my HDD just in case I need it.

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One of my friends told me a lot of jobs you submit for on the internet have a program that scans your resume for keywords pertaining to the job. Sounds like a business card to me also, and like the addition of the Linked-in link on it. You could even make a website that has your portafolio and put that link instead. I think it also depends on what kind of job you are trying to get.

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