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What Grinds Your Gears ?


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Having to boil a kettle more than once to make one drink!

Microsoft windows

Obsolete hardware with drivers that dont exist

Building a stuff only to find the one bit you didn't fit needed to go in right @ the start

Installing software from disk/cd/dvd and when you get to disk 5/5 it says disk corrupt

Microsoft windows

Running out of tea / milk

Being woken up when im asleep

MS Office




and people that cant drive etc etc

*sorry im bored lol*

what grinds your gears ?

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The fact that in my dorm I get 30kb/s downloads and connections will drop all the time. If I go to the lab, lecture hall, library, etc. I get 1.5mb/s. Pisses me off so much that I have to walk to the library to download large files at my uni :/

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Microsoft Windows


dumb people at school that stop in the middle of the hallway

stupid drivers

low internet connections that sometimes you can get the connection...... and sometimes you dont.

my head gasket blowing on my car the day i get my license (sucked badly)

low batteries in my mouse/controller.

people acting unintelligent.

people unwilling to read.

people sleeping in my bed.

any kind of a computer problem right after making a long post and not hitting submit fas enough.

yeah. just to name a few.

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Microsoft Windows is not that bad at all, but it really can piss me off at times, like when you get a blue screen.

Or a bad drives cause Windows to stop responding and even crashing.

Wish the government could do something to dramatically improve the internet speeds where I live

I hate taxation offices, I hate the government when they make laws to try to take more money from its people

I wish things weren't so expensive, like food, water, electricity or the fucking petrol.

I really hate speed cameras, I wish I could blow the fucker out of them, every time I get fined I have to pay a fortune.

The weather where i live is hell, is so fucking hot it really annoys me.

I think that's about it.

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you'll be back :D haha .... man i was sooo annoyed with vista yesterday ... had a problem with UAC and permissions with an app i was running so i felt like having a rant

and ill add a few more ...

Mobile phones that don't charge

Remote controls with flat / without batteries

Stupid people that dont get stuff even when u explain the same thing over 5 times !!! then they say ah i see

Stupid people that forget what u taught them to do the day before and phone u back 5 to check how to do what it was u taught them

People that give u a design brief ... and u follow it to the dot ... then they comeback a day later and change their mind !

People saying yes when they mean no (ie. do you understand? yes! (but i mean no))

CD players in cars that should by now accept DVD's

Poor design

Rip offs (esp artists that copy people)

Fake goods


Thieves and Babies ... most of all babies!!! evil hell spawn lol ;)

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big companies that try to seem all big, solid and serious that charge heavily and a lot for their products, which they ship with a ton of known issues and bugs and some that even slip by them

personally, I wouldn't mind if a piece of software (like say... Windows or any other) has bugs in it; but for the love of what's holy and honest, don't try to make it look like it's bullet-proof-ultra-high-quality stuff, cause that's just an invitation for hackers to break it to pieces in such a manner that they'll prefer having their balls cut off rather than having those bugs exposed/found

and that ladies and gentleman is what grinds my gears when it comes to the tech industry

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General attitude that "good enough" is not really good enough.

Sense of entitlement that some people harbor.

Head in the arse syndrome as though they are the only people who matter in the world.

US government's ever increasing regulations, thereby increasing both taxes and the cost of goods and services.

Fat people bitching about being fat while they gobble a double quarter pounder.

Smokers bitching about their right to smoke anywhere other than their own property or private property where it is acceptable to the owner.

Man, I must be in a great mood today :).

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Stupid people that dont get stuff even when u explain the same thing over 5 times !!! then they say ah i see

^^^ This does not grind my gears me down, it totally piss me off to a point that I want to punch a person in the face.

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Guest Deleted_Account

You know what grinds my gears?

UBB (Usage Base Billing)

CRTC (FCC in Canada)

ISPs tricking consumers into paying for wifi SHAW is a great example.

ISPs inflating there plans with BS: SHAW AGAIN I mean really 100Mbps download spead on a DOCSIS 2.0? that speed isn't posible on a DOCSIS 3.0 (using single channel as shaw does). highest on 2.0 is 42.88 (38) Mbit/s and 3.0 is m × 42.88 (m × 38) Mbit/s where m = # of channels (In this case 1 as thats all shaw supplies. Not to mention the fact ISPs call Mbps "download spead" you download MegaBYTESps.

You do realize that 7 MegaBYTES per second would require you to use a FiOS modem
(mux mentioned that in a different thread). an that 7 not even the 100 they claim.


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haha this thread gives me great joy :)

i cant add to it today b/c im in too much of a good mood lol :)

@foo and u know this man!

@infiltrator i'd need at least ten stress balls a day if i worked on customer support b/c i know i'd break one on every call :)

@hexophrenic good enough ... isn't perfection and you should aim for perfection every time ;) agreed

@commodo ... yes ms should also stop ripping linux they've copied sooo many features esp in win7

washing up grinds my gears

and cold callers / telesales grrrr

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well, I don't mind microsoft copying some features from Linux/Unix; that's fine;

i remember this story i've heard of a marketer and an engineer from the same company talking; but the marketer did not know that the engineer works in the same company; i think they were at a conference;

and the marketer was trying to pitch the product to the engineer; and after a while the engineer says : dude, i work on this crap, i know all the bugs inside it; why the hell do you even bother praising it ?

on a side note; if you guys are ever pissed and want to get a laugh check this out:

it mainly focuses on engineers, but "engineer" to me is another term (or the official term) for "hacker"


you can start with this one : http://anengineeringmind.blogspot.com/2008/08/i-do-robots-at-niweek-08.html

there aren't many videos; you'll get through them in an hour or less; but it's funny;

the guy works in a big company and parodies some of the issues engineers/hackers deal with in a big company

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- Family & friends who would lie or steal from you

- People who reply on a forum post and tell you to google it in more typed char's then it would take to just answer the question

- Math

- Those colleges you see on TV who are not accredited but charge x5 the cost

- People that act like they are all "leet" and better then every body all of the time, and offer no help just smart ass remarks

- People who are always preaching religion to you, when you don't want to hear it at that time

- Being the guy that all friends and family expect to do free computer work all of the time

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haha this thread gives me great joy :)

i cant add to it today b/c im in too much of a good mood lol :)

@infiltrator i'd need at least ten stress balls a day if i worked on customer support b/c i know i'd break one on every call :)

I used to do customer service before and couldn't stand being next to phones ringing all day, even less near people who talked loud on the background while I was taking calls.

The clients used to be main source of stress for me and frankly speaking I was a time ticking bomb waiting to explode. Now I am very grateful for having this new job, I love it and enjoy it very much.

One advise for anyone out there looking for a job in IT, avoid doing helpdesk work unless you have no choice or the pay is good.

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- People who are always preaching religion to you, when you don't want to hear it at that time

- Being the guy that all friends and family expect to do free computer work all of the time

I subscribe to the these two wholeheartedly.

One advise for anyone out there looking for a job in IT, avoid doing helpdesk work unless you have no choice or the pay is good.

Never did helpdesk, but I know the feeling after all my family and friends call me up and ask me stuff like :

  • "I installed this patch that I found from the internet and it doesn't work; any ideas ?" like I'm supposed to magically know the webpage he got it from and determine
  • "I installed "F*** me I'm annoying Linux" (any kind of obscure distro), and it's really neat, it's a live CD, but I can't get past the boot screen which gives me 3 options : blow up this computer, shoot yourself in the foot, call your know-it-all-tech-guy (that's me)"; I don't know about you guys, but I'd probably choosing one of the first 2, depending on the mood
  • "I reinstalled Windows XP (7 is great in this aspect, really, no pun), and I can't find drivers..." (the good part is that at least by now some of them know about drivers, but still don't know how to get them)
  • ever since 2nd/3rd year of university (I graduated since then), every now and then, a couple of people call me up (when I'm in the middle of a beer... that's annoying), and ask me a Java,C,C++ (or something else) related question; hmmm, heavens, some annoying people are evolving, that's not so bad, but it's in the middle of my goddamn beer; maybe I should at least have them pay for my beer

I don't think I have a "high-and-mighty" attitude towards these people, I mean I know that there are other areas where I'm a n00b and some of them would be able to help, but sometimes it can get tiring.

The only other people that would truly understand these computer-related-issues would be mechanics; they've been having it rough for a while, because all of their friends call them up mostly when they have car problems and/or ask for advice (e.g. umm, I heard an explosion in my car, what could it be ?).

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Compiling X11 from source on a BSD distro when I don't have the time to sit around and answer all of the four dozen ncurses prompts that come up for all its dependencies. Especially considering I just say "Yes" to accept the default and never added any additional packages or options.

It took me THREE F'N DAYS to finish compiling X11 on my FreeBSD virtual machine :lol:

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got another one ;)

media (mostly tv media -local, world news) reference android wrong. whenever something tech related comes about they say "this will be running the droid operating system". shit drives me nuts. get it right! yes, i hate vzw for making a 'droid' name based line-up of phones, but it has somehow confused so many people to differentiate android from the word droid

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I could do more but this will do for now.

  1. Stupid end users who don' listen or do as they are told
  2. Having to use Windows when there are better alternatives
  3. People baching windows like a zealot after using Linux for 24 hours. I agree Linux is better, but let's not turn into mac fanbois)
  4. Mac Fanbois
  5. People who bash Mac OS X, or any other OS for that matter without trying it.
  6. Backtrack. Why? Because I have spoken to dozen upon dozen who now consider themselves pen tester because they have run a Nmap scan.
  7. The town I live in, which means I get paid half as much as others do in the capital cities.
  8. I never fully learnt a programming language.
  9. Stupid people.
  10. Record Companies.
  11. Australian ISP's.
  12. Young people who don't give a thought to the political direction of their respective country.
  13. Outlook.
  14. Iphone mania.

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The town I live in, which means I get paid half as much as others do in the capital cities.

Well, I wouldn't hammer on that too much; the thing is that a lot of big cities pay better, but expenses are a higher.

I mean, I don't want to go to my home town, because I wouldn't find an interesting job in programming, and even if I would find something close to interesting, I would be paid less, maybe about half what I get now. Still my expenses (rent and other stuff) would be fewer and smaller.

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