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British airports closed due to terrorist alert


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Apparently, there is a still a search going on for the rest of the cell. Although they made 21 arrests, they say as many as 50 were involved.

Also, it its being reported now that Pakistani intelligence helped with the arrests.

Have they banned snakes now aswell?

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"Get thoughs snakes of my fucking plane bitch!"

I don't think Samual Jackson will live down that fucking retarded movie.

Sounds like I've missed something?

But yeah, this news was being hyped into oblivion. These eeeeevil terrorrorrorrorriststs would do 'untold damage' by blowing a plane out of the air above the atlantic. They should've at least tried to do another Lockerbie to be elligable for such a title.

Some asshole politician here claims it was Al Quada, which always works well with the press.

I'm seriously distrusting EVERYTHING _any_ government does because of terrorist threats. The topic just seems to get milked to the last drop. I don't believe there's more terror now than there was before. It just get reported on more.

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This seems more like a good excuse to shut down any group that the governments disagree with. "oh those guys we just beat up and threw in a dark cell? They were terrorists" Then instead of questioning what they did to get such harsh treatment everyone should feel safe because the government will protect you from anyone who disagree's.

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heh. apprently now you cant bring soda on board flights in the US anymore, due to people were trying to make liquid explosives. You can bring juice, and baby food, but it has to be in its original container. im not sure if this is the same one, but i know like 21 people got caught.

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I personally think that the government is using the current terror situation to enable policies which some will see as reducing the privacy rights of some people's information (like the patriot act america passed a while back). But there's also the other problem of our government (British that is, when applied to myself) is trying too hard to be accepting of ethnic minorities with overboard political correctness that results in positive discrimination (which is racist in itself). An example is Bristol city council instructing employees not to refer to black coffee as such, but rather 'coffee without milk.' The overboard reaction to dealing with ethnic minorities, added to the minority of cocks going round attempting to blow things/themselves up in the name of religion work with each other to create a climate of increased tension and potential hostility towards some ethnic minorities.

To be honest, if the failed bombings get a lot of publicity in the media, it's completely natural to understand why this is so-shock stories sell. As long as we all keep an open mind about why the people blew themselves up, why the overwhelming majority of Muslims aren't as cock-like, and how America's national religion of Christianity has been used to reason violence in the past (witch burnings, crusades, etc.) then I think we can just view/read stories like this with the appropriate pinch of intellectual salt.

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To be honest, if the failed bombings get a lot of publicity in the media, it's completely natural to understand why this is so-shock stories sell. As long as we all keep an open mind about why the people blew themselves up, why the overwhelming majority of Muslims aren't as cock-like, and how America's national religion of Christianity has been used to reason violence in the past (witch burnings, crusades, etc.) then I think we can just view/read stories like this with the appropriate pinch of intellectual salt.

Nooo it's White supremacists they appeal too hell the American army appears to be going out of it's way to recruit them (problably because there the only dumbasses that will mindlessly fight - I say mindlessly it's all about power and oil -howeverin the real world oil ain't worth poo)

Does anyone else still think the Nazzi's lost the war?

PS on this one WTF why are people trying to blow things/people up look at Lebanon tonnes of people dying and most people don't seem to give a fuck

In todays day and age most so called acts of 'Terrorism' along the lines of the one talked about here are total bullshit and pointless you do more damage to companies/people by just mentioning it rather than actually doing the act AND if no one gave a crap about your cause before they won't afterwards either all that will happen is you'll piss off a few companies (& some ignorant people) who will complain to a government and then they will go and anhilate you and your people and you will get nothing.

See terrorism is not what most people think it is because to believe it will work for your cause you have to be thicker than fiberous shit and to pull it off you have to be a mastermind.

Oh and lastly if your ever and I mean EVER dumb enought to say/think oh but they pulled it off it's easy... then you my friend are oh so dumb and while you consider what really happened dwell on the aftermath and how the 'socalled' terrorist group lost moer than what it gained

Oh and if your thinking well the Taliban lost Afganistan but gaind all that money in stocks and gold from beneth WTC7

1) the USA corp had been lying (over estimating) it's gold reserves for years (so hey all those people who were killed are actually patriots who died in service for the USA corp then) I guess it all being stolen duing the panic over the WTC collapses was a good thing

2) No way in hell does that amount of gold go anywhere without the government/somebody law enforcement wise else knowing about it

Mind you seems a moot point considering there are reports that the Taliban were shipped out by the US military at the start of the war to Pakistan and now seem to be leaking back in... Taliban because you always wanted to know what the CIA would be like without the LAW.

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Terrorism is just a term to describe an act designed/carried out to incite terror in a populace. I see a lot of 'Bush-World's no. 1 terrorist' posters around by students with socialist/hippy leanings for the most part, but by the definition of the word, Bush isn't a terrorist. His actions aren't meant to strike terror into anyone, he just happens to be a knobber and end up pissing a lot of people off with his aggressive international policies. As such, I'd heartiily endorse a poster saying 'Bush-World's no.1 knobber' as long as joint winners included the likes of Michael Moore and co.

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Bush isn't a terrorist. His actions aren't meant to strike terror into anyone

Try telling that to the people in Iraq, Iran, Korea and Lebanon.

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Bush isn't a terrorist. His actions aren't meant to strike terror into anyone

Try telling that to the people in Iraq, Iran, Korea and Lebanon.

Indeed, war does indeed suck. I'm heavily opposed to war, and Bush. Hopefully I didn't come across differently!

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Hmm, this seems to have fallen into a definition debate. I think everyone seems to have their own opinion of what/who constitutes as terrorism/a terrorist. So, back to the news subject, have any ammendments been made to American airport security? I can see them getting more strigent on security measures...

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