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Unlimited download limits in England


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NTL are unlimited. Customer service sucks but the connection has been faultless for me.

<edit> While the support may suck, in 4 years of using them, I have needed to call them once about a technical issue. 1st line sucked, but i got threw to a guy who obviously was a geek in need of a break. Took 30 seconds to tell me it was my router and that I should stop pissing around with settings I didn't understand.

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I'm with Pipex and very happy with them.

If you don't want a bandwidth limit you have to go with their top package which is about £28 (less if you buy their phone package with it). That'll get you 8Mbit broadband with no download limit.

Also it seems to be a true no download limit as they have never said that I'm abusing the service and my regular bandwidth a month is nearing 300GB now.

The only thing you have to watch out for with Pipex is that they do throttle bittorrent traffic. However running it on a high port and with encryption enabled sorts this out and you'll be able to max your connection out again (your probably doing this anyway).

Had no downtime to speak of over the last couple of years and they don't have a problem with you running servers as far as I can tell.

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I'm not sure what the situation is in America, but I know an insider who works for tech support over at BT (British Telecom), who run all the servers for a lot of net companies like plusnet, tesco, virgin, etc. He told me that tesco and virgin don't have the equipment to monitor people's download content, so if you were to download illicit material (hypothetically of course) like music/games/movies you didn't own (and in large bulk) then you couldn't be detected doing it. So if you have a look on their website and find an uncapped service, you might consider going with them (unconventional choices as they are).

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Back when I was working for BT, we sold packages by the amount of cap on it, ie 1GB, 5GB and 20GB (or something like that). So we'd have people calling up to findout how much they had left. Funny thing was, BT at that point had no working technical way of monitoring your usage over the month. So there was a point where you could get BT Basic, and have an unlimited 2mb ADSL connection for £10 a month.

And back when NTL had a 75GB alotment on the 10mb package, i was pulling down closer to 200GB a month with no issues. I just did most of it late at night.

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Bulldog I'm with them now their service is pretty crap tho

Sky for £10 a month you get unlimited 16Mb I'm getting it soon

Bulldog are a really bad ISP and with Sky you have to have their TV already, and then over half the country still can't get BB from them.

Also hardly any exchanges in england have been upgraded to ADSL2 which is faster than 8Mb BB.

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Yea I used to use pipex, with 2Mbit unlimited; was very reliable. Now moved house and couldnt get it in my area - so now jump on a freedom2surf 802.11 nxt door. Ive looked it up, its a 8Mbit channel, limited bandwidth, but when you go over it charges you 99p per GB. They also dont block any ports at all. But the best thing about it is that it has unlimited bandwidth limits between 1am and 6am.

Bandwidth caps suck.

The up spead is supposed to be 488bps, I havent seen this in action though!

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Yea I used to use pipex, with 2Mbit unlimited; was very reliable. Now moved house and couldnt get it in my area - so now jump on a freedom2surf 802.11 nxt door. Ive looked it up, its a 8Mbit channel, limited bandwidth, but when you go over it charges you 99p per GB. They also dont block any ports at all. But the best thing about it is that it has unlimited bandwidth limits between 1am and 6am.

Bandwidth caps suck.

The up spead is supposed to be 488bps, I havent seen this in action though!

My equipment is uploading and downloading shit 24/7, I run servers and my Asterisk box is running my whole phone system, I could never go with any company that has a bandwidth cap.

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My equipment is uploading and downloading shit 24/7, I run servers and my Asterisk box is running my whole phone system, I could never go with any company that has a bandwidth cap.

Exactly, plus when you go over their limit and you charge you a £1 per GB it really does kill your wallet.

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I have tiscali 1mb, there's no download limit apart from what they call fair uses basically if your downloading tonnes and i mean tonnes ive download 20gb over a month between 6-11pm they send you an email asking to stop if you dont they throtal down your connection between that time untill you stop. Saying that it hasnt happened to me.

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