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I need help sleeping


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I'm begining to find it hard to get to sleep, it's not insomnia, it's that I prefer to sleep when I want to sleep rathr then when I'm supposed to sleep. Does any one have any surgestions of how to sleep at normal times (aka, whne it's dark)?

Did I mention that I don't like sleep? I'd much prefer to be up all hours. Unfortunatly this is not possible due to the nature of the human body

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well, I'll say that the first few days of the month I just dont sleep. and if I do it's only when the computers are rendering stuff and I get an hour or two.

I have a very hard time sleeping. most of the time it's because of all the wild ideas going through my head. i sometimes write them down and sometimes they turn into segments. other times they just sit in the notebook and never get hacked. ive got a huge list here but for some reason i cant "find the time" to do research for a segment while the sun is up. I am starting to think that my hacker mind doesnt work in daylight.

If it werent for the fact that I have to go to the office once a week I'd probably sleep owl hours. anyway, the staying up 30 hours to fix your schedule thing does work. I do it once a week.

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I find that every now and again I need to not sleep for an day, then stay up till about midnight the next day. You sleep pretty well and get back in sync.

Yeah same here... I am by nature (or perhaps nurture? ;)) nocturnal it would seem but I like to push the edges and go as long as I can sometimes or if I'm working on something I really wanna have done...

The ~30hr day does work for fixing sleeping patterns because after that point your body is ready for any sleep you'll let it have... avoid caffeine after about the 20th-23rd hour of the day and you'll be fine...

Careful with pushing boundaries though, it can make the day get a bit... odd... hallucinations are possible and you may end up speaking to people that aren't there... that was... interesting but took me ~60 hours to acheieve that and I wouldn't advise it to anyone... still it was fun ;)

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I used to be quite good with sleeping patterns and tended to sleep well.

But that was before I started using IRC more and more, then waiting for releases from america etc.

Time zones are bad.

But yes, pulling a 32-hour day usually sorts you out.

Most days I only sleep 2 hours now.

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In one of my normal days of where I was sleeping from about 6 in the morning to about 3 in the afternoon, after I woke up at 3, I stayed up through the whole night, the whole next day, and then went to sleep at about 11 at night. I just needed something to keep me from sleeping, so I used caffeine.

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Careful with pushing boundaries though, it can make the day get a bit... odd... hallucinations are possible and you may end up speaking to people that aren't there... that was... interesting but took me ~60 hours to acheieve that and I wouldn't advise it to anyone... still it was fun ;)

Yup... things do start to get a bit bizzare at times. Chorus lines of purple wombats singing show tunes on the top of your monitor for instance...

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I actualy maanged to get tosleep and woke up about 10 minuets ago. I think part of the problem is that my mind is constantly active, and I tend to place my self in unreality while I wait to fall asleep.

For thoughs of you who care, Kevin Rose has a similare afflication. From what I understand when 'normal' poeple go to bed they think of nothing. My dad (for example) offten complains at me that he can't sleep because I have the loud room fan on in my room. I realy don't understand why since I'm able to sleep in the same room as 5 computers and the loud room fan with no problems.

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Beds should only be used for sleeping and sex.

Its hard to do this when you only have one room, but try and keep to that. That way when you get into bed, your body kinda gets that its time to sleep. And read a book for 1/2 an hour or so before you go to bed, helps you wind down, just not in bed though.

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I've always needed a fan running near me to fall asleep. Just for the sound, not at me.

I've worn out too many to count. Some I've kept going longer than I should have. Having to take the grill off and spin it manually to get it going.

It's nice to see so many people that sleep as strangely as I do. :)

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I need little sleep even if i like stay in bed hours and hours. So when i've to re-sync, i just put my alarm-clock at 6am. Or around 40minutes before I actually need to be up (the time to disanchant my pillow and ask it to let me go).

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yeah the 30 Hr days works great for me, but with marching band first semester i need to fall back in line with the normla sleepers, as much as i wish i could, you cant march for 2 hrs in the morning then have a full day of classes in HS on 2-4 hrs of sleep. howeevr second semester, i pull 30 hr alot.

staying up till 40-50 hr is fun too as others said hallucijantiouns(sp) and what not, infact, my sister tells me that i seem drunk after a 50 hr day... its all good though.

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I guess I'm the opposite of everyone here. I love sleep. I sleep 6-8 hours a night and still have room for a nap or two during the day.

I finished college with a part time job and worked out 4 days a week and still managed to sleep between 8 to 10 hours a day.

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I am on par with darren on this one. During school when I have projects due, and other deadlines to meet I tend to stay up till 3 or 4 and usually have to wake up by 8 the next morning. Sometimes Ill just push straight on through. During the summer it is worse cuz my summer job starts at 7 so gotta be up by 6. Its gonna be even worse when I move in with the new roomates because there is always someone up. If its not my early mornings then its them fragging each other all night long. I find that when I have time to sleep and cant I usually pop a benadryll. It knocks me out 15 minutes later and leaves me with some fucked up dreams.

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I wish I had the habits of a few of you, being able to get by or only able to sleep 2 to 4 hours a night and being perfectly able to carry on with the day.

I've found that a low-level huming noise helps me fall to sleep (I'm usually only able to pass out in the early morning hours regardless of what time I woke up that day) like a fan on low or the sound of my media/torrent server under my desk.

During the school months, the suggestion of 30 hour sessions works extremly well. Especially when you have a schedule where a few days a week a 4 or 5 hour block is open during the day.

I find that when I have time to sleep and cant I usually pop a benadryll. It knocks me out 15 minutes later and leaves me with some fucked up dreams.

Oh god do I know what you're talking about. The worst was when I thought I didn't fall asleep and went on with my day, worth a paper and everything. But, I was dreaming and all that productivity and work was done, in my head.

And on the topic of medication, do NOT get Ambien or any type of Ambien, I had a Rx for that and after two weeks and quit it because I wasn't getting any REM sleep (the type required for body restoration). Yes, I would pass-out for the normal 8 hours but I would wake and all day, feel like I played hl2 all night long.

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i feel completely the same. i now want to sleep when i need to sleep. not when im ment to. but my mum doesnt agree. but i think if i sleep when i want to sleep i think i will be healthier if i sleep when i need to.

this 30hour day sounds fun. will have to do it soon.

i also think that i work better at night.during the day im sluggish and not interested.

if only every one else was nocturnal...

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i hope i dont jinx myself but i sleep like a baby every night... man. I hope when im older i dont start sleeping crappy. but i have a really good patern of going to bed around midnight and waking up around 7ish.

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I think all true geeks have trouble sleeping. Only normal people sleep regular hours and they are boring.

Anyway, I have a cure! I told Darren this trick and it worked for him. I learned this in a psychology class that was more like a pow-wow than anything. We just sat around talking about the latest news or chatting about current problems people were having in their life. Learning nothing about textbook psychology. Lol.

Oh yeah...the cure:

Lay on your LEFT side.

Calm your breathing, relax.

Stay on LEFT side for ~10 minutes.

Gently (key word, gently) roll onto RIGHT side.

You will be asleep in 5 minutes.

It has something to do with your lungs and the blood pressure in your brain or something cause it works.

OH and don't eat before bed, don't drink anything with caffiene after 5pm if you want to sleep before midnight. You don't rest well with all that.


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