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Did I Break My Pineapple?

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I received a wifi pineapple a few days ago, i referred to the various setup guides the forum offers and had it up and running, i set it up for dhcp because i was sharing my internet connecting from my wireless card to the pineapple. It was working great last night, today i have no such luck. I can connect to the pineapple, have full internet connectivity but can no longer connect to the gui for changing settings. I have consider the possibility of having to reflash it but am confused at exactly where i need to start because everything was already on and ready to go.

any help in the right direction would be appreciated


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I received a wifi pineapple a few days ago, i referred to the various setup guides the forum offers and had it up and running, i set it up for dhcp because i was sharing my internet connecting from my wireless card to the pineapple. It was working great last night, today i have no such luck. I can connect to the pineapple, have full internet connectivity but can no longer connect to the gui for changing settings. I have consider the possibility of having to reflash it but am confused at exactly where i need to start because everything was already on and ready to go.

any help in the right direction would be appreciated


no not broken Ithink you have just unwittingly adjusted it.......Its been a while since I was at this but there is a post on how to "find" your pineapple again.....you may have changed its ip unwittingly. I'll have a look and see if I can find the post....2 ticks matey Edited by kendalkake
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In what way can you connect to it?

Acer Sharing Wifi -> Pineapple -> Macbook via wifi

I can connect to the pineapple from another computer, I receive a ip and everything, i get full internet connectivity, I know the the address the pineapple is set up on based on what nmap is telling me but any attempt to access the gui, and it times out. Also trying to ssh, or telnet and the connection is refused.

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Congratulations, you've scanned yourself!

Network Distance: 0 hops

Means the computer you are scanning is you.

If the Fon is set to bridge the network connection, which it is by default, then it acts as a pass through device and so it doesn't need to actually have an IP address itself or if it has it doesn't need to be on the same subnet as the rest of your network.

If you set it to dhcp then make sure you have a dhcp server running on your network and check its logs to see what IP it is issuing. If you don't have logs for some reason then use Wireshark to watch for DHCP/BOOTP requests and check the replies.

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Run this as root and send me the output

nmap -O -sT -sV <IP OF FON>

Also try

nmap -O -sT -sV -p 1471 <IP OF FON>

hello digi. i sort of have the same problem (i think?) on OpenWRT I changed the network setting from Static IP to DHCP and now i cant connect to jasager or OpenWRT. i tried this:nmap -O -sT -sV -p 1471 <IP OF FON>, and it says, 1471/tcp closed unknown. what can i do? or am i stuck here and have to flash the pineapple?

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As myself and Digininja have said many times. A thorough understanding of networking is needed to really play around with the pineapple.

If you set it to DHCP than it should be somewhere in your IP range for your network if it got an IP from your router.

So if your IP range is a 192.168.1.x


nmap -O -sT -sV -p 1471

Edited by Mr-Protocol
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