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Cowpatty On Backtrack4


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ok lets me give some info running backtrack 4 off a usb drive.

everything works perfectly..

using cowpatty 4.6

and aircrack-ng

got my file-01.cap got the [handshake]

trying to crack wpa with cowpatty my just for the trill of it :)

got the rainbow table offensive security like you guys said.....

when i get to the part of:

cowpatty -r me-01.cap -d /mnt/sdd/belking54.wpa -s belkin_N_Wireless_118965

i get the cowpatty could not stat hashfile. check path

i have tried the following paths




the path to the file is /cdrom/belkin54.wpa

what am i doing wrong??

thank you guys ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

hmm since i didnt get an answer i keep on trying,,,, used Gerix WIFI Cracker which make it super easy to use aircrack and cowpatty taking out the long commands

:) give it a try

dont know why this is not recommended more often?

Edited by Xela4
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Well the error says your path is wrong, so your path is wrong :P.

Try /media/cdrom0/<rainbow>

Gerix is like the noob way to use aircrack. I encourage people to learn how to use aircrack-ng so if Gerix does not work they can use aircrack manually. Same with cowpatty. Maybe Gerix isn't using the best method and how can you know the difference if you do not understand how the programs it calls work?

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just find where your files are stored and cd into the drive find files and list accordingly example if usb in should be in storage:/media so cd /media/ and what ever

your usb or ssd name is so then you do cd /media/usb/ then ls to see files and then list in cowpatty /media/usb/iwishiknewhowtocrackwpa.txt lol:)

and its that easy

as mr protocol says your path is wrong -become one with your path

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  • 1 month later...

i tried





and nothing :P this totally sucks lol

then i used the noob way Gerix WIFI

only to not crack the wpa password......lol tried several dictionaries and the rainbow table from offensive security..

Now i want to try hashcat for windows, how do i get the hash file......ooi

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Gerix is like the noob way to use aircrack. I encourage people to learn how to use aircrack-ng so if Gerix does not work they can use aircrack manually. Same with cowpatty. Maybe Gerix isn't using the best method and how can you know the difference if you do not understand how the programs it calls work?

But when Gerix is started from terminal it shows the commands use. Its an easy way for starters to learn hacking wifi. And if for some reason your commands won't work, then you can try gerix to see if you had problems with commands, or in something else...

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