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Airodump Showing 'wrong' Channel


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Hi! I have just started to learn this Airodump in BT4. I can't figure out why it will show some of the hidden AP(with length: 0>) channel's as 32,33,34, etc? As far i know, there are only channel 1 to 13.

I also tried hiding my own AP but it will show its correct length and channel. Have anyone encounter this before?

Thank you,

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That is all correct functionality. Sounds like you have a card that does 802.11a as well as g. a is the 5ghz range so goes into higher channels, see this for more info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels

As for hidden ESSIDs, when an ESSID is hidden the name isn't shown in broadcast packets but it is leaked in all management frames so when the sniffer sees management traffic it is able to deduce the ESSID

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Hi! Thank you for the reply and the link =) Hope you don't mind as i got new question relate to this channel:

1) I did not see Channel 31,32 and 33 in the Wikipedia list, is it the same with 131, 132, 133?

2) Today when i test on my friend's office, i can see 131, 132. Does this mean they have set their AP wrongly(as we are in Asia)?

Thank you,

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1. It could have been 131 etc just being truncated for some reason.

2. Not necessarily wrongly but possibly illegally. Those channels are 802.11a and you just need to check your local laws to see if you are allowed to use them

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My guess is most probably they did not set the region correctly or they just use the wifi out of the box with default value - EUROPE, JAPAN, US, etc. One last question - Why do it sometimes detect a hidden AP with a '-1' channel?

Thank you =)

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