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I want to test three open wi-fi's that I have set up around town using Firesheep. I installed WinPcap then Firesheep. When I am conected to the open hot spot and start the scan it does not even find me. any ideas? Ive tried on a Vista and Win 7 machine.

Edited by kc9aao
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I haven't tried Firesheep yet, but I am guessing because you are the user performing the attack, firesheep doesn't see you as a victim but simply the attacker, so therefore you won't be able to side jack yourself.

I may be wrong but there could be someone else in the forums who may be able to give the right answer.

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What steps have you taken to set up firesheep? Do you have the Firesheep tab showing in the left side of FF and are you able to configure it to select your wireless card? might only see your wired nic and not set to your wireless, in which case, there isn't any traffic from the wireless hot-spot for it to see.

@sparda, Works in windows just fine, although works a ton better if you initiate a MITM first using something like cain as firesheep doesn't always seem to work without doing that first. Locally it works fine against your self or a diff browser on the same system, but to scan the network, I found that setting up the MITM worked every time vs intermittently with the add-on alone. Also, you don't need monitor mode for this to work, managed mode does just fine.

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I have it firesheep running on the sidebar, do I have to set up scripts? Im connected to the open site in my house but cant see my traffic on facebook. Im using the built in wireless that is in the

computer but can I use the same card to scan with?

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I have it firesheep running on the sidebar, do I have to set up scripts? Im connected to the open site in my house but cant see my traffic on facebook. Im using the built in wireless that is in the

computer but can I use the same card to scan with?

If you are on wireless you set it to the wireless card, if your on wired, you set it to the wired. Can't sniff using a nic that is not connected to the network you want to sniff on unless you are on Linux and in Monitor mode.

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