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hey i was wondering if anyone can actually point me in the right direction as to how to see this image, even if it is an image


Its base64. Just decode it and save as jpg file type.

its a girl in a blue shirt.

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I used this website to decode the image.


Have fun.



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Or if you're running Linux or perhaps on a Mac as well...

cat /path/to/cd-sis.txt | base64 -i -d > /path/to/output.jpg

Man why can't Windows be like Linux for once.

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Windows reads files by extension. Linux by file headers.

Yeah I do realize that, but why can' t Microsoft do a better job just like Linux OSes does.

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Um, if you have notepad++ in windows, you can base64 decode it right in the text editor(thats how I did it). There are also other ways to do it on windows, I just don't know of any native tools that do so, doesnt mean they don't exist.

Probably can be done with a vbscript, or even powershell, but would have to look up the api calls that do it. Just cause linux can do something with a few cli commands does not mean windows can't, its just whether or not you know how, not if it can or can't.

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Um, if you have notepad++ in windows, you can base64 decode it right in the text editor(thats how I did it). There are also other ways to do it on windows, I just don't know of any native tools that do so, doesnt mean they don't exist.

Probably can be done with a vbscript, or even powershell, but would have to look up the api calls that do it. Just cause linux can do something with a few cli commands does not mean windows can't, its just whether or not you know how, not if it can or can't.

That's what I was referring to, Linux has all these native built in tools, that can make our jobs so efficient and Windows on the other hand, can make our jobs quite frustrating sometimes.

But both Oses have their advantages and disadvantages, that's what make them so unique in what they can offer.

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if all OS's were the same. there would be no point in having multiple OS's thats why i try to find the time to use and understand as many as possible. (but will i little kid it has been put on hold)

I don't know how old you are, but if you have passion and devotion to learn something, than you won' have anything to lose but to gain.

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I don't know how old you are, but if you have passion and devotion to learn something, than you won' have anything to lose but to gain.

i don't know why you quoted me since what you said has nothing to do with my comment.

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