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No Internet Wifi Pineapple V2

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Hi, Hope anyone can help me with this. I just bought a wifi pineapple v2(Jasager), I'm having some problems with the internet.

My laptop is connected to my home wifi network and works well until I plug in Jasager, it says I'm connected to the network put when i go to any website it doesn't load. Also Jaseger is not repeating the signal from my laptop. I'm using a normal Ethernet cable, should I be using a crossover cable?

Is there any guide for setting up Jasager(not making one) for pc?


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  • 1 month later...

Hi there y'all.

Great stuff. - Digininja - ur the man, Darren, thanks for selling me fonv2 and forcing me to learn.

Been reading this forum for 2 days now, still total newb when it comes to jasager stuff.

Please look at the pic attached and see if you can make anything out of it.. I always preferred visual guides, so I'm presenting a visual dilemma.


Thanks for ur time!

Auu b4 i forget, netmask is same for all, a simple c-clas

Edited by xoholic
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Woot, i got an answer from the uber man himself :)

Well yeah, i set up everything in this way, however i don't thing that ICS is assigning dhcp, I logged on many different laptops that have different networks saved in so when i boot into them, they probe, but i don't see anything on jasager, - the only thing i really see is the pineapple essid. I truly don't know why jasager is not replicating other networks. In my limited knowledge, i suspect that i messed up in the networking somehow, but having set everything to static on fon should not be an issue?

Anyway, thanks a lot man for creating this stuff -(possibilities still blow my mind lol )

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There are other debug threads around the forums but the best way to check it is first connect to the web interface from the wired side and make sure that Karma is enabled. See if your clients will connect successfully to the Pineapple SSID, if they can check where you can get access to by pinging, if you don't get an address through dhcp then assign a static IP on the correct subnet and try from that.

You'll end up with either you can't connect to the essid - unlikely

no dhcp but you can ping once you give a static IP - then you just need to get dhcp running

no ping even after static assignment - your networking is broken, check IPs and subnets thoroughly.

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