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Bringing An Old Jasager La Fonera Back To Life...

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hey all!

When the first hackabout for the la fonera came about on hak5 over a year ago, im still at this stage, so how do i go about upgrading Jasager? Im guessing mines on V1, i don't have it here to check!

I plugged it in the other day and it seemed to work, as in i could get on the internet via wifi using it, but i couldn't get to the web interface/ssh into it! I tried both via direct ethernet & over Wifi, trying IP's that i could find i was connected to, or connected to my main router...

Once i can get past this basic step i guess we can proceed, my main objective is to use it on a proxy enabled network, but it either has to remain hidden to any software that may be monitoring the network for new devices, or spoof an existing device i.e a laptop thats already been allowed!

Can you please help me out with this. :)


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