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[video]quicktime Exploit! Infected .mov Files


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  • 3 weeks later...

Imagine encoding NetCat.exe in a .Mov file.

Nice and quick access to a remote computer.

Will check you video later when I am at home.

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QT sploits are as old as quicktime itself. They always come back with more. Its almost as bad as PDF exploits. One of the reasons I dont use Acrobat or Quicktime.

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QT sploits are as old as quicktime itself. They always come back with more. Its almost as bad as PDF exploits. One of the reasons I dont use Acrobat or Quicktime.

that's what happens to popular applications, they become preyed by hackers.

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that's what happens to popular applications, they become preyed by hackers.

No, that's what happens when you write shitty code. I saw a demo once of where someone embed an exploit .MOV file into the second life game so that anyone who got near the virtual-movie-holder-thing in the game automatically got owned. It was a pretty interesting concept.

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