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Bypass Routers


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Hello, I am trying to host a website from home. The problem is, there are several routers between me and the web. I don't have the passwords to all the routers either. I've been able to host the site locally with apache, but I would like to be able to access it from elsewhere.

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One option available is to use a VPS then setup a tunnel between your computer and the server, and have the server forward traffic between your computer and the internet.

At the point of get a VPS, you may as well just host the site on the VPS.

If the traffic can't get to your computer... it isn't going to work. The only thing you miht have luck with is using UPnP to forward ports, but that only works in the local subnet, and thus will only get your past one of the routers.

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Since the webserver you are running is from home, all you have to do is open a forwarding port 80 on your router at home. When you are outside all you need to know is your router public ip address, or could you use dyndns.com.

And that should work.

Edited by Infiltrator
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Since the webserver you are running is from home, all you have to do is open a forwarding port 80 on your router at home. When you are outside all you need to know is your router public ip address, or could you use dyndns.com.

I have port 80 opened on my home router. When I put in my public ip address it comes up with the Mikro Tik router that is in the business that provides our internet service.

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I have port 80 opened on my home router. When I put in my public ip address it comes up with the Mikro Tik router that is in the business that provides our internet service.

If you don't have access to these routers, do you even have permission to be doing this in the first place? How is this network setup that you are seeing someone else's router from your outside IP address? Something doesnt sound right in that scenario unless your not at home, but at work or some business with multiple internal networks, DMZ's, etc.

Like you said, if you are behind several routers, port 80 on the outermost gateway must have been set up for remote administration on port 80, which means you cant access the site from that port from outside the company/location hosting your Internet service. Can't have two services on the same port without DNS, so its either the site, or the routers administration interface, not both sharing the same port. Not unless the router has its own domain name and does DNS as well, then you can set it up for both so long as it gets requests for the domain name, not the IP.

In one of the Apache conf files, you can change the default port for your web server, but you will need to have access to all the routers to port forward all the way to your machine hosting the site. Best case would have DNS set up to support both a proper domain name and routing of this companies outside IP, set up as the DNS address matching the domain name, then NAT, with Port Forwarding to handle the requests for the domain name internally and an internal DNS server to finish the handoff from NAT for the internal domain name request.

In other words, its a mess. If you have several devices to jump through without a proper setup, you need a real network set up for this. Best bet is to VPN into the machine you need files off of if your network is set up for such a thing or pay for real hosting.

Doesn't sound like you will be able to host this from home, not to mention where the legalities of that fall, if you even have permission to be trying this in the first place. Most ISP's don't allow hosting a site from home unless its a business account.

Edited by digip
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