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The Windows Vs Linux Bullshit

wh1t3 and n3rdy

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Surely I'm not the only one over this fucking retarded debate. I posted an aswer to a questions asked on here (admittedly was skimming on my n900 and missed the windows reference in the OP) so offered a solution, which happens to be linux based. After re-reading the thread I noticed the windows mention, and thought "oops" so I did what i thought to be right and edited my post so i wasn't putting off topic shit in his thread.

It seems my attempt to show some respect was totally missed because two guys tried to slag me off because I use Linux.

Let me make this clear.

I don't give a flying fuck what OS choose to use. I don't try and make people change, and I don't run around doing the tired old slagging off at windows routine. Linux is the best solution for me.This does not mean i hate windows users,or more insultingly, lack the ability to manage a windows box. Sub 10 year olds pass the MCSE, so don't try to lump me with the tards that install any old shit, wanna hax there school network and use script kiddie bullshit to make themselves feel leet.

Use whatever you won't, don't piss and moan at others (that includes other linux users slagging off windows, you cunts annoy me as well)

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Ummm very interesting....

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That's what happens when someone asks a question, doesn't like the answer and is a douchebag about it.

An OS is an OS, FFS!

Can't agree more with that!

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To be totally fair, there are far more cases when someone goes "I have windows, and when I try to do this, I get this error. Doing x, y and z hasn't fixed it, any ideas?", and then some annoying cunt will go "well the problem is obviously that your using windows, only stupid people use windows, so you must be stupid, hence your problem!". People get sick of this, so if someone posted something about Windows, and you replied with a linux solution (and lets face it Mr n3rdy, much as we all love you, you do tend to give the impression that much of your life is spent shouting at people ;). Can you not see why people mistook your honest mistake for yet another linux evangelist and over reacted?

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What can I say, I'm an angry angry man lol.

Yeah I know it pisses them off, I hate Linux users who do it all the time and make the rest of us look like dicks. I mainly got pissed because my ability to maintain a windows install was called into question. You have to remember I have been using IRC since 94, and the fact I held back as much as I did means my level of flaming control is God like lol.

Yeah Vako I take your point, I should have seen it coming, but i was on my phone and had shit to do so I rushed it.

Throat punches for dicks who flame other OSes like retards. In fact we need an OS fame thread, post any OS flaming outside of that then ban your arse.

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Yeah, an OS is just a preference just as much as a drink.

Linux and Windows do similar things, but I will use Linux.

Coke and Pepsi do similar things, but I will drink Coke. But you are not about to shout at people who drink Pepsi.

Just once, I would like to see a proper operating system debate, not necessarily to decide which one is best. Just one that doesn't break down into "OMG IF YOU USE WINDOWS YOU WILL GET A MILLION VIRUSES", "OMG LINUX IS ONLY FOR SERVERS" or "MAC'S CAN"T RIGHT CLICK" etc...

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All operating systems suck. They each suck in different ways so no one is really better than the rest. Choose the one that sucks the least for what you will be doing with it.

If someone gets defensive about their operating system then they are still in the honeymoon faze where the sucking is glorious, or they are just oblivious to the fact that their operating system is off sucking behind their back.

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@ascorbic... wow.. ok..

@n3rdy - I definitely see your point though. I love Windows and Linux. Linux has came a LOOOOOOOOOOONG way from when I started, and I remember people wouldn't even help you get started. That was back in the days of the Linux Nazi's, where basically if you asked a question on any linux thread you got the reply -"If your too stupid not to know how to use it, then your too f#%ing stupid for me to explain it."

"Cain't we awl jus get alowng!"

Windows has it's positives and negatives, and Linux has it's positives and negatives. Hell even in recent months I have come to be neutral about Mac Operating Systems (and that's a new experience for me). Use what you want.

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@n3rdy , I think most of us already got the point, just get over it dude honestly what you are gonna get from being angry at other people, nothing you already made you point so move on.

Bloody hell.

Edited by Infiltrator
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@n3rdy , I think most of us already got the point, just get over it dude honestly what you are gonna get from being angry at other people, nothing you already made you point so move on.

Bloody hell.

All due respect dude, it's his thread....so why don't you move along?

As for this OS thing, right tool for the job..regardless.

People seem to forget that they're getting advice on this forum from the the goodness of ppls hearts and whats more its free.

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All due respect dude, it's his thread....so why don't you move along?

As for this OS thing, right tool for the job..regardless.

People seem to forget that they're getting advice on this forum from the the goodness of ppls hearts and whats more its free.

I got your point, I am out of here. Nothing to do with me.

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@n3rdy , I think most of us already got the point, just get over it dude honestly what you are gonna get from being angry at other people, nothing you already made you point so move on.

Bloody hell.

I posted this thread so if others didn't see the one I was talking about they would get my point. I'm one for saying stuff out in the open rather than bitch about it. It shits me but I'm far from being angry about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with your original post.

There are far too many Linux users who try to belittle anyone else, even new Linus users. And this pisses me off something rotten. I am very unpopular when I say I don't hate Windows or Microsoft, I actually like them. I have an Xbox, I would like the last Zune etc. However I user Linux, I do this because I found myself using Live CDs too much, so too the plunged as my main OS, and have grown to think it's better.

I never tell people to use it, or what distro to use. I hate people who claim not using Ubuntu hurts GNU/Linux. Fuck off, I don't use Linux to show my disgust against a company. I do however like the idea behind free software,but yeah.

I still vote for a rant thread!

Oh yeah, I dislike the whole idea using Linux makes you uber leet or any other shit, I have no idea how this computer actually communicates with this thing called the kernel, I know the name but shit, it doesn't interestme. I'm dumb as fuck as still use it. However like I say, I rarely use BT now, I just run things from my main OS.

Edited by cabster21
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I don't use Linux to show my disgust against a company.

Yes, I particularly hate this.

When I tell people I use a Mac, a response I often get is "Why do you hate Microsoft" or "You must hate Windows". I don't hate Microsoft or Windows, infact I still use it daily (whether my dual boot or at college). Its just a different product. I have a Samsung TV, doesn't mean that I hate Phillips TV's :P

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@cabster21 - "I hate people who claim not using Ubuntu hurts GNU/Linux"

Who-TF are those people? I mean.. Ubuntu is the most commercialized *home use* centered linux there is.. I would think the opposite :?

To each their own though. Every linux has a different flavor that you spice to taste, and every Windows has had a good home here or there down the line, just the same with OSX. Same with Android and all the I-phone OS's. It's lame to even think ONE operating system is better than the other at everything. And even then it depends on the person who is using it.

When will people learn it's just an O.S. -Operating System, and what really matters is HOW you operate it.

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Use whatever you won't, don't piss and moan at others (that includes other linux users slagging off windows, you cunts annoy me as well)

Im going to have to agree. Back in the day we would argue what was better Amiga's or PC's occasionally the Macintosh was thrown in there but Yea, The OS is a tool to get the job done. Ive found anyone who simply says a particular OS sucks without providing any backing or this comment is just a fanboy to that os..

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Just my 2 cents, people who aren't as into computers as us have it lucky i think. We can introduce them to OSX from windows, visa versa and to linux. They decide what they like and maybe theyll stick with linux and windows. They wont be like "OMFG this rocks! linux rules windows is teh sux04z!" no, if they accept what we've shown them, and be more adaptive like "hey this is cool, can i keep both linux and windows on one computer? cool! hey this program looks cool, and its free." sometimes I envy that and wonder why fanboys cant just be like that, yes there are opinions about each one, but there's opinions and then theres blatant fanboyism that should be responded with a quick and painful chemical castration

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Back in the day we would argue what was better Amiga's or PC's occasionally the Macintosh was thrown in there

*puts on the rose tinted glasses*


Wow, Atari 800, huh? My BBC's so much faster than that old thing!

Psht, BBC Micro? Those clunky metal things? Dude, my Spectrum's so much better!

Spectrum? Haha, those spongey pieces of crap? Please, my C64's got bags more RAM!

Commodore? Eww, no way man, my Apple IIe's where it's at!

My Aquarius is even more awesome than your IIe, it has a thermal printer!



Rad! My Amiga's so much more awesome than your pathetic old PC!

Amiga? C'mon man, Atari's where it's at now!

Really? My Apple Mac could kick your Atari's butt!

Haha, that Mac's no match for my Acorn...



It's the year of desktop Linux!

Haha, for real? My Mac actually works!

No way, man, XP is the way forward!



It's the year of desktop Linux!

Haha, for real? My Mac actually works!

No way, man, Windows 8 is the way forward!


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I like to tinker about with different distros of linux, but still haven't found a decent one to stick to..

I did use Mandrake years ago, (I think it's called Mandriva now?) but it was Ubuntu that started me off.

If you like configuring and have lots of spare time to learn, then it's ok I guess, but if you like everything out of the box then Windows 95 xp or 7 are fine.

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