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Just Saw A Commercial For Yahoo..


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Yahoo was one of the original big boys of search back in the day as I remember.. Actually it was the first and only search engine I used until Google came along, and it was downhill from there. I just do not think Yahoo can really get anything up to the par that Google has become. For me Google is simple, and elegant in it's own right because of it's simplicity.

I am not here to compare Bings to Googles (we all have our own opinions on that), but as far as Yahoo, what does it actually contribute to search these days? Why would they even try to come back now? I can't stand their email system, yahoo chat has become a bot battlefield (and has been for years now), most of their earlier services that made sense completely failed or just didn't get off the ground and have since been shutdown, so... does anyone here use yahoo? If so do you think it makes sense for them to keep going? I am not lashing out at Yahoo really, just thinking that the company has been beating the dead horse for years and it's really time to put the hammer down and do something else.

Edited by h3%5kr3w
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Well, believe it or not, Yahoo is still a major player, and have always been, even if Google is the reigning champ of search. Thing about Yahoo, is it holds a different demographic and has its own niche market of users. Its kind of the Apple vs Microsoft of search if you will. Your either love it or hate it.

They have too many services that people use everyday that keeps them afloat, like its bot infested chat as you put it, and its Message Boards, email, videos, etc. I know friends and family that still use it daily, so its not going away any time soon. I think the internet is big enough that even with a decline in users over the years, it still earns enough revenue to keep the lights on and pay its employees.

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i used www.mamma.com before google

it was pretty reliable and returned good results.

saying that google will be pwning soon .... have you seen google TV yet ?

will be running android yey ! :D

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@VaKo... Guess I never thought about it that way. The reason why I never gave it a thought is just that no one that I know use Yahoo anymore, but you do have a good point there. Heck I wish Yahoo would come back (I always like rooting for the underdog :P)

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@VaKo... Guess I never thought about it that way. The reason why I never gave it a thought is just that no one that I know use Yahoo anymore, but you do have a good point there. Heck I wish Yahoo would come back (I always like rooting for the underdog :P)

Can anybody find VaKo's post?

A good thing about other search engines staying in the game, or at least trying to, is the competition they bring. Without competition, Google would not be what it is today.

Edited by H@L0_F00
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Yahoo is the 4th most visited site in the world and the 3rd most visited site in the US - why on earth would they give up? that's insanity, do you have any idea how much traffic that is?

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