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Get Referring Page From Ajax Apps


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Recently I learned ajax application, but before I had to learn HTML and PHP.

Ajax applications have a little problem that I found, are the steps I found my problems:

1. I made a list of some of the news.

2. I open the news that I want to use ajax.

3. In news that I go there are more news links.

4. I again opened another news story that I found on the previous open.

- My problems started from here -

5. How can I get back on the news pages before (on step 2)?

In this case I use:

1. index.php (as file to show list of some of the news).

2. news_detail.php (as file to show detail of news).

-->news_detail.php parameter

-->-->id (use to select what news is show).

Please help me to solve this problems,


in my case all news link is open by ajax combined with PHP, help me to find the answer in AJAX apps.



Edited by r4v37t
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Take a look at this tutorial, there is a sample php code on how page numbering works.


Edited by Infiltrator
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Sorry I misread your post.

Edited by Infiltrator
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This is a preview of my apps:

This is my address location on my web browser:


This is my link when I want to see the detail of news:


When I want get the refferer page is always this URL is appear:


not the URL that I open when I open any link in the news I have open before:


Edited by r4v37t
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Hi r4v37t,

I can definitely help you with your problem, but I am really confused as to what exactly you are trying to do with your page. Saying "I want to use ajax when a user clicks on a link" can mean a TON of different events occurring.

Looking at your steps, it seems like a really difficult problem (i.e. i am unsure if a browser allows this) being able to travel from page #3 directly back to page #1. The only way i can think this can work from a user experience perspective is by controlling the entire UI every step of the way. By controlling the UI, you can provide a link in the page for the user to click to jump back to page #1 no matter where they are in the site. If you do not control the UI of page #3, then you are out of luck.

If this is not how i should have interpreted your steps, please clarify a bit more as to what you are trying to do?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi r4v37t,

I can definitely help you with your problem, but I am really confused as to what exactly you are trying to do with your page. Saying "I want to use ajax when a user clicks on a link" can mean a TON of different events occurring.

Looking at your steps, it seems like a really difficult problem (i.e. i am unsure if a browser allows this) being able to travel from page #3 directly back to page #1. The only way i can think this can work from a user experience perspective is by controlling the entire UI every step of the way. By controlling the UI, you can provide a link in the page for the user to click to jump back to page #1 no matter where they are in the site. If you do not control the UI of page #3, then you are out of luck.

If this is not how i should have interpreted your steps, please clarify a bit more as to what you are trying to do?

Are you referring to bread crumb trail.

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