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The Uk Has A New Goverment


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The tragedy is that Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland are all far to poor to secede, which is why the nationalist movements never seem to go anywhere. So until Scotland is financially independent I think the British government and people have every right to "stick our nose in".

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BRING IT ON. Still in the EU like the suckers you are though! I think the Lib Dems were better off by doing this. Labour was a sinking ship (even with the lib dems, no majority). At least with the conservatives they'll get a few of their policies out there. They will never win a government on their own so this is by far the best move.

AV vote system will be a big win for Labour (all the little socialist and shit parties preference labour). No doubt the Lib Dems will preference them after 1 term out of government.

PR voting would have been a big win for UKIP and BNP though. No UKIP seats. Sad to see. Would have been nice to see Mr. Griffin get a seat and cause uproar.

Sucks to be in Britain though. If I were there I'd be looking to move in the next 4 or 5 years (probably AUS or Alberta).

Nice to see that multiculturalism is finally working and people are integrating (i'd tack "in Europe" on the end but it's the same in every western country which has an open boarders / multiculturalism do-gooder influence).
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The tragedy is that Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland are all far to poor to secede, which is why the nationalist movements never seem to go anywhere. So until Scotland is financially independent I think the British government and people have every right to "stick our nose in".

Sorry, can I just point out that Northern Ireland has been able to support itself financially for a while now, Scotland has been able to support itself for the past 5 years and Wales is nearly there.

But that does offer hope for the UK. Scotland has had a hung parliament for years, and this have been getting better and better.

Edited by DarkBlueBox
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Sorry, can I just point out that Northern Ireland has been able to support itself financially for a while now, Scotland has been able to support itself for the past 5 years and Wales is nearly there.

But that does offer hope for the UK. Scotland has had a hung parliament for years, and this have been getting better and better.

lol, I've been to Northern Ireland, the only thing they have are some farms and lots of shops and it seems unemployment is quite high, so I can't see how they could support themselves if they were cut off. As for Scotland, well you have farming, some manufacturing (its dieing off everywhere in the western world) and limited oil reserves that are maybe good for another 10 to 20 years. Whales has farming and manufacturing and that's about it.

Unemployment and low wages is fairly bad everywhere outside of the south of England and all the money making industries are located in the south. I think areas should be allotted the money they make and let the under preforming parts of the UK die off or make them do better.

Edited by metatron
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lol, I've been to Northern Ireland, the only thing they have are some farms and lots of shops and it seems unemployment is quite high, so I can't see how they could support themselves if they were cut off. As for Scotland, well you have farming, some manufacturing (its dieing off everywhere in the western world) and limited oil reserves that are maybe good for another 10 to 20 years. Whales has farming and manufacturing and that's about it.

This pretty much explains the problems, additionally a large chunk of employment is provided by excessive levels of public services. You can't have a circular economy with no wealth producers.

Unemployment and low wages is fairly bad everywhere outside of the south of England and all the money making industries are located in the south. I think areas should be allotted the money they make and let the under preforming parts of the UK die off or make them do better.

I disagree, Scotland, Wales and NI need to have separate budgets that are based on there tax receipts, not on funding from Westminster. In England, we need to see more development of infrastructure in the North to encourage more companies to invest there. Its all very well saying only the south is worth it (and this is coming from someone who moved to the south to find work) but if we want to see a successful Britain we need to see development of infrastructure and investment in the people and businesses of the north of England. Its not like everything south of the M25 can go it alone.

Long story, Scotland needs to put up or shut up about seceding, if it thinks it can go it alone then do it.

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Is he gonna make any difference to the country. Because after all politicians are all the same.

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Well, they are talking about "Restoration of Civil Liberties" including tighter CCTV regulation and scrapping of ISP Level data logging (like emails etc). That seems good.

On the bad side, VAT looks like it might go up from 17.5% to about 20%.

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Is he gonna make any difference to the country. Because after all politicians are all the same.

Not really correct. Left wing politicians tend to be more controlling, want to micro-manage peoples lives and generally believe that they know better than the people who elected them. Right wing politicians tend to fixate on a few issues they consider to be Bad, but otherwise leave people to get on with there lives.

New Labour was formed out of 70's style socialists trying to re-invent themselves in light of Thatcher (i.e. "we can do the whole economy thing but be kinder"), but there old tendencies to think that if only they could force everyone to behave in a certain way, there plans would work came through, especially in light of 9/11.

The conservatives come from privilege, and thus tend towards the idea that they just want to be left alone to do what they want to do, which is make money.

This really comes to light when you compare Cameron's ideas (Britain is broken, and it will need the people to fix it) with Browns (Britain has problems, and the state needs to fix them). The liberals tend towards the idea that people need to state to help them help themselves, ie you raise the level of income tax and it goes towards dealing with the gap between living benefits and the minimum wage.

On the bad side, VAT looks like it might go up from 17.5% to about 20%.

Who didn't see this coming? It was bound to happen as soon as VAT went from 17.5% to 15% (which made fuck all real difference to the things I bought). Plus, something has to pay for raising income tax limits from £6.5K to £10K (which will do more to help poor people).

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Plus, something has to pay for raising income tax limits from £6.5K to £10K (which will do more to help poor people).

I really did not expect this from a largely conservative government, I am unsure whether the conservatives agreed with it fully, or just wanted Clegg to side with them.

I end now with a quote from a sketch (which I have since forgotten the name of):

"You want us to Help the Poor? Silly Child, we are the Conservative Government! Get Lost!"

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And another thing you may be interested in reading:


I like the release of the £700 Million to Scotland. This was one of the things my MP mentioned while he was campaigning, that Scotland had built up a reserve of money, but the treasury wouldn't let Scotland use it.

Back in terms of the UK - I am actually kinda glad the Tories have some control, because as Theresa May (Home Secretary, CON) said "We are the Nasty Party", and the savings that need to be made are not going to be nice.

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ID cards are being scrapped, along with several databases it was attached to, and there will be a comprehensive review of anti-terror legislation including things like the 28 days detention without charge and stopping photographers under section 44.

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ID cards are being scrapped, along with several databases it was attached to, and there will be a comprehensive review of anti-terror legislation including things like the 28 days detention without charge and stopping photographers under section 44.

So far the coalition is good in my book... lets see if they can keep it up... :P

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Your pro-BNP? Dear god, why? They have no clear ideas about politics other than "its all immigrants fault", they are hopelessly corrupt, and the only people who support them are the "I'm not racist but..." crowd.

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Well most people I know that support them are "racist", but prefer the term racialist. They are a little smarter than just blaming immigrants too. I'm not going to pretend I know the intricacies of English politics, but even reading news articles about the country from left wing media still paints a pretyy sad picture to me. It also seem to be the path that Australia is seeking to go down, and I'm not very happy about that.

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See, I don't have a problem with people pointing out issues with the lack of integration polices, unskilled non-EU workers, the lack of mandatory English language training for people seeking to live here and over-immigration to certain areas of the country. These are all very pertinent points which do need to be discussed further. However I despise the attitude of disliking immigration because you don't like foreigners, or because you think white Christian people are better than other people.

Don't get mislead by the press either, while the UK does have issues with immigration laws needing to be reformed, we are by no means being over run by dirty foreigners. The BNP push this line but its far from the truth. We have far more "indigenous" people who are nothing but a drain on the UK than immigrants.

Also, LOL at Australian immigration woes, its not like your country doesn't owe its very existence to immigrants coming in and exterminating the bulk of the indigenous population and forcing the rest to live the same lives as the immigrants.

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