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Boxes Of Crap Hex Code


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HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- --- STR ANG ---

I'm still stumped...

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HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- --- STR ANG ---

going by a previous post, its has to end in PHP, ASP, SPX, HTM, or TML so including the . part of it it has to be

HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- --- STR ANG ER.HTM(PHP,ASP, ETC)

so all we need is the middle section

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HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- EMS STR ANG ---

Here is Box 16 EMS

I think the first word is organization.

Edited by brianzimm
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HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- --- STR ANG ---

going by a previous post, its has to end in PHP, ASP, SPX, HTM, or TML so including the . part of it it has to be

HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- --- STR ANG ER.HTM(PHP,ASP, ETC)

so all we need is the middle section

I thought the ending (20) was confirmed to be a / not html, php, etc

Some more ideas, but the urls dont work, so were still off

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HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- --- STR ANG --- 
                            rga niz ati on      est     ofs ome         ers  


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HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- EMS STR ANG ---


still nada...

Edited by gcninja
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I'm guessing we are out of boxes? Ok who will run Crunch and check for valid URLS? lol


Or one of those programs that use a dictionary and fills in the blanks. Like a Wheel of Fortune solver or Hang-man solver. lol

root@bt:/pentest/passwords/crunch# ./crunch 50 50 -t www.HAK5.ORG/O@@@@@@ATIONONTH@@@ART@@@EMSSTRANG@@@ > /root/Hak5.txt

A savvy programmer with some time on their hands could make a program to take O@@@@@@ATIONONTH@@@ART@@@EMSSTRANG@@@ and run a wordlist on it. Have some algorithm to retrofit words in the existing link and on matches log them to a file.

Better yet. Have crunch run that string. Pipe it to another program that will check the string to make sure every character is accounted for as being "Part of a real word" from English dictionary.

Edited by Mr-Protocol
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HTT P:/ /WW W.H AK5 .OR G/O --- --- ATI ONO NTH --- ART --- EMS STR ANG ---

obliteration on the earth seems strangest

optimization on the earth seems strangled

organization on the earth


no combo I've tried works















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I'm guessing we are out of boxes? Ok who will run Crunch and check for valid URLS? lol


Or one of those programs that use a dictionary and fills in the blanks. Like a Wheel of Fortune solver or Hang-man solver. lol

root@bt:/pentest/passwords/crunch# ./crunch 50 50 -t www.HAK5.ORG/O@@@@@@ATIONONTH@@@ART@@@EMSSTRANG@@@ > /root/Hak5.txt

A savvy programmer with some time on their hands could make a program to take O@@@@@@ATIONONTH@@@ART@@@EMSSTRANG@@@ and run a wordlist on it. Have some algorithm to retrofit words in the existing link and on matches log them to a file.

Better yet. Have crunch run that string. Pipe it to another program that will check the string to make sure every character is accounted for as being "Part of a real word" from English dictionary.

Well we are not out of boxes, there was a box for every set of letters, but just not everyone knew what to do with it I guess.

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Well we are not out of boxes, there was a box for every set of letters, but just not everyone knew what to do with it I guess.

Sorry about the time issues. Finals mixed with summer internships and professional responsibility classes left me with time issues. To be honest this was lowest on the priority list. Box #13 - "ISE"


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Idea ?

organization on this earth seems strangest ??? but no go.

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Well I just burned through this word/url list with no luck. http://paste.ubuntu.com/447013/ Matched the missing words against /usr/share/dict/words, but the permutations are huge because the separation of the words is unknown. This list matched the following pattern:


The only entry matching eart@ is 'earth'.

I also tried a word list where o@@@@@@ation (O --- --- ati on) was assumed to be a whole word, to which the dictionary matches the following words:





update: burned through these too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/447030/

Edited by redxine
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Well I just burned through this word/url list with no luck. http://paste.ubuntu.com/447013/ Matched the missing words against /usr/share/dict/words, but the permutations are huge because the separation of the words is unknown. This list matched the following pattern:

The only entry matching eart@ is 'earth'.

I also tried a word list where o@@@@@@ation (O --- --- ati on) was assumed to be a whole word, to which the dictionary matches the following words:

update: burned through these too: <a href="http://paste.ubuntu.com/447030/" target="_blank">http://paste.ubuntu.com/447030/</a>

This is some impressive work

Nice job

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Thanks. I'm almost done generating a master URL list I'm about to run with the following rules:

&lt;eart.&gt; only matches 'earth'



I sorted through dictionaries of two, three, and four letter words and took out uncommon words, leaving things like able, bent, gate, etc. So far I have a wordlist that follows the rules for 6 spaces, and it has 10992 entries. I think for this one I'll set up parallel wget scripts. ^_^

I'll post the list when it's done.

(moments later):

$ cat masterlist | wc -l

I think it's back to the drawing board. Unless someone wants to help me rack up 30 megs worth of 404s on the hak5 server logs. lol. Here's the list and sources: http://dl.free.fr/pMpdo4hPP

Let me know if anyone wants to help make a joint effort and we'll figure out how to split the file. I'll go ahead and start running the list.

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I think it's back to the drawing board. Unless someone wants to help me rack up 30 megs worth of 404s on the hak5 server logs. lol. Here's the list and sources: http://dl.free.fr/pMpdo4hPP

Let me know if anyone wants to help make a joint effort and we'll figure out how to split the file. I'll go ahead and start running the list.

Working on it bottom-up...

I bet what we're looking for isn't even on the list :D


Yup, wasn't on the list :D




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I think it's back to the drawing board. Unless someone wants to help me rack up 30 megs worth of 404s on the hak5 server logs. lol.

I'm sure their logs are pretty jacked up already. There may have been people trial-running a brute force with about a hundred threads over a FIOS line for a few hours... :unsure:

Hmm, that file just happens to have the same name, size, and content as a video they released in the midst of the trivia easteregg hunt from 1x05... That's a little disappointing

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i feel very jipped. i was hoping for rubber ducky dev kits or something fun.

Did you apply for one of them when Darren was giving them out? You do realize the eBay stuff helps support the show and Darrens move, right?. Kind of a lame complaint though...

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