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Would Call Of Modernwarfare 2 Run Inside A Vm


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Host operating system is Ubunto and guest is windows 7 i know that my box can run call of duty on maxim settings just on windows 7. Would i be able to do the same on a linux box? If not i might as well duelboot with ubunton and windows 7 sidey by side anythoughts or opinions ?

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Host operating system is Ubunto and guest is windows 7 i know that my box can run call of duty on maxim settings just on windows 7. Would i be able to do the same on a linux box? If not i might as well duelboot with ubunton and windows 7 sidey by side anythoughts or opinions ?

Possibly. You have 2 options. Use Wine to emulate EXE to run CODmw2, or use a Virtual Machine program called Virtual Box.

Virtual box is free, and has support for Direct3D emulation/sharing. It works well, but might not be good enough for COD.

Using the visualization on your CPU, Virtual Box is really quick, and using windows 98 and D3D is good for old games.

No it won't, the VM doesn't have access to the graphics card.

Virtual box does

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