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thats skill no aim bot sonny lol

:) ive never been tempted to aimbot even on unprotected servers

people hate me on tf2 lol ... i have a mic but never talk

prefer to laugh at people cursing me lol haha

teh n00bs are great pwnage

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thats skill no aim bot sonny lol

:) ive never been tempted to aimbot even on unprotected servers

people hate me on tf2 lol ... i have a mic but never talk

prefer to laugh at people cursing me lol haha

teh n00bs are great pwnage

i wish i still had screens of people accusing me of aimbotting on wolfET. i got it regularly XD. kd ratio of 20-1 usually unless i was sniping then it was closer to 40-1 on average. some better. some worse.

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i wish i still had screens of people accusing me of aimbotting on wolfET. i got it regularly XD. kd ratio of 20-1 usually unless i was sniping then it was closer to 40-1 on average. some better. some worse.

You just reminded me of a time I was playing one on one WolfET with this guy. I had adopted to tactic of killing my self just before spawn timer ranout to renew my health and ammo. The guy complained that I should stop killing my self, I wasn't killing my self while fighting, just while waiting (AXIS defending).

I agreed to his terms, and from then on I ensured I let him kill me when it was beneficial for my self, the result is he lost.

Shame you can't play ET any more with out running in to servers that install malware on your computer.

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i wish i still had screens of people accusing me of aimbotting on wolfET. i got it regularly XD. kd ratio of 20-1 usually unless i was sniping then it was closer to 40-1 on average. some better. some worse.

haha nice i had 38:1 last night on dm store but tbh i was sniper so it doesnt really count

... man did that piss some people off

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  • 6 months later...

This is really old. The game is Call of Duty: United Offensive. Died a ton, but was as close as I've ever seen anyone get to 300. Had to uninstall the game because I was banned from every populated server for "cheating".




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I have a ton of old pwnage screen shots but out of lazyness I will just go with some cod4 freezetag shots since I was uploading most of my good scores to xfire at the time. This one is the most absurd:


I play clean - I have played a ton of comp and have gone threw all sorts of scrutiny and been baned hundreds of times by server admins with a "suspicion" - but at the end of the day I always check out with PB/Valve/etc and have plenty of wins at LANs to back up the online play. The cod4 freezetag faze was a short lived time in my life after I was done playing DFX2 waiting for MW2 to come out. It was about a month or so, not long but long enough to learn the in's/outs and be able to crush everyone else who played the mod. I am currently crushing BC2. I have played several games in competition for Legacy eSports off and on for the past 5 years and still hang out with those guys on comms when I pub. Unfortunately the only SS's I have from BC2 on xfire are from matches - some of them are good scores vs some very good teams, but to random ppl who don't know the scene they wouldn't look as impressive as these freeztage SS's. I do have a video somewhere of a 60+ kill streak I did in a BC2 pub, that I have been meaning to edit and post online from but I never get around to it.

Anyway, here is the whole dir of cod4 freezetag ss's I uploaded during that period


Somewhere I have a bunch of really crazy SS's from Nova games - I used to maintain a 5+ KD in Joint Ops, one of only 2 players in the world to do that with over 24hrs of playtime. Going over 100 kills with under 10 deaths was a regular thing for me in that game. The 5 k/d is actually what inspired me to start using the handle 5. My old handle is wall, and I use both through out the web in various combinations or by themselves.

I bought MOH but not so impressed by it and will stick farting around in BC2 pubs for now. Cod Blackops, if good, might get me back into competition, we will see.

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  • 1 month later...

i need to find my last pic i took on CoD. i got to end the game with a nuke for my fist time. did it ninja style with commando, tactical knife, and marathon. it was awesome. just ran a big circle around the map and ended up getting behind the enemy lines constantly. died i think twice

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knife and pistol is all you need if your pro lol ;) and some nades

*pure pwnage reference yey*

usually have an smg for primary to boost runspeed lol. nothing like jumping off a cliff and stabbing a sniper in the back

Edited by RogueHart
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