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Networking Problems

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Hello to everybody.

I have just installed jasager in my new fon router (fon 2201) and I have got a little networking problem.

If i connect the fon router from the computer port to a windows xp machine i can ping, ssh connect,...

If i connect the fon router from the computer port to a backtrack 4 machine i can not do anything :S

The fon configuration is the one by default from the jasager firmware (http://www.digininja.org/files/jasager_firmware_1.0.tar.bz2) this is ip address

The windows xp machine configuration is:

no firewall


the backtrack 4 configuration is:

no firewall


route add -net netmask gw

the windows xp machine and the backtrack machine are never connected together

The problem seems to be linked with the routing table but it is ok.

Any ideas?

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With the linux config you would only be able to do things to the network not beyond as you are setting a specific route for just that subnet. If you want to route everything then you need to do

route add default gw

Regardless, with BT4 in place can you ping the BT machine from the Fon? If not then you are missing something fundamental.

You also need to enable ip forwarding on the BT4 box for it to forward out traffic.

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Making some tests I think the problem comes with the /kamikaze/8.09 firmware. I have installed the last one /kamikaze/8.09.2 and i can perfectly work with the BT4 box. The problem is now comming with the madwifi drivers.

After having installed the following package kmod-madwifi_2.6.26.8+r3314-atheros-2.3_mips.ipk I try to install jasager_2.1.1 but the installation fails asking for 3 new packages:



and kmod_gpio <- I have been unable to find this package so jasager_2.1.1 installation has been impossible so I decide to install jasager_1.

When connecting to ip:1471 the fonera is unable to put karma on.

I have tried this (http://www.hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=11638) but impossible.

Any idea?

The full installation process has been this one:


fonera fon 2201 router





web interface:



madwifi drivers:





for jasager_2.1.1





install firmware [OK]

change root password [OK]

enable wifi [OK]

install haserl [OK]

install webif [OK]

install libruby [OK]

install ruby [OK]

install madwifi [OK]

install ruby-core [OK]

install ruby-rexml [OK]

install jasager [FAIL]

A more detailled installation process can be given if needed.

Edited by jano_prospero
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Of course, no problem.

I have just received a fon 2201 fonera router so I decided to install jasager. Firstly I installed your firmware on it from a Windows box but when I tried to connect the fonera with a BT4 box (the netbook i usually take with me) I couldn't. I couldn`t ping, connect through ssh, nothing at all, so I decided to do it step by step to check where the problem was.

After a bit of investigation, I realiced that the problem was linked with the openwrt firmware ( I tried with 8.9, 8.9.1 and finally with 8.9.2)

So right now I have got a fon 2201 router with openwrt 8.9.2 firmware (the only one that I can connect from a linxu box) with all the packages installed except jasager 2.1.1 and kmod_cpio.

This two packages are not installed because when I try to install jasager 2.1.1 ask for kmod_cpio and I can not find it.

If I install jasager 2.1.1 without this package, karma does not boot.

So "the problem" is that I would like to know how can I install jasager in a fon2201 router and work with it form my BT4 netbook.

If you need more information, even snapshots or the exact procedure, feel free to contact me in my email.

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Why do you think it is the firmware that is the problem?

The missing package should be gpio not cpio and you can get it from my site, check the download page:

* kmod_gpio (MD5 81ae418105b968a305da091d251be79c)

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I think it is the openwrt firmware because I have checked with all the other firwares (8.09.1,8.09,...) and Icould only connect through ethernet with the 8.09.2 and because in the 8.09.2 firmware README there is a line that says:

fixed ethernet issues on fonera+

I have tried installing the kmod_gpio package from your web (install perfectly, no errors) but when i try o install jasager:

root@OpenWrt:/tmp# opkg install kmod-gpio_2.6.21.5-atheros-1_mips.ipk

Installing kmod-gpio ( to root...

Configuring kmod-gpio

root@OpenWrt:/tmp# opkg install jasager_2.1-1_mips.ipk

Installing jasager (2.1-1) to root...

Collected errors:

* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for jasager:

* kmod_gpio *

Both md5 sum have been checked.

Thanks a lot for your time

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Don't know then. I know I've had my firmware working fine on one of my Fon+s.

I know you said kmod-gpio installed ok but check with opkg that it thinks it is installed, something like opkg --list should do it. The package manager is a little flaky at times.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I am in the same boat. I have been trying to install Jasager on a Ubiquiti Bullet.

I know other people have mentioned they have successfully done so, but I wonder how?

When I get to the part of installing jasager I get stuck with the kmod gpio:

opkg install jasager_2.1-1_mips.ipk
Installing jasager (2.1-1) to root...
Collected errors:
* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for jasager:
* kmod_gpio *

I have backed up and installed older versions of open wrt on the bullet, thinking this would fix the issue:


No real, luck yet though I haven't tried them all. Any pointers are appreciated!

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  • 3 months later...

Interesting to see this post. I've been having the same issues and it's driving me mad.

Some things I've noted:

  • I'm using BT4 on an Asus EEE
  • If I burn the standard Jasager firmware with Windows, then at the end of the burn, I can ping/telnet/etc from the Windows into my fon.
  • If I burn the standard Jasager firmware through BT4, I can't even ping the fon after the burn. I'm sure it's an issue with BT4 but I can't figure out for the life of me what it is. Googling doesn't help. <_<

  • One thing I did find though, is that when I set up a ping through BT4, when I power on the fon, I see "Destination Host Unreachable" for a while, then I get some replies, then it goes back to "Destination Host Unreachable". In the time that I get replies, I can telnet to the fon on port 9000 and hit ctrl-C, but I can't get any further than this.

It's a bit frustrating, because it works on my HP 2510p (using either BT4 or XP (dual boot machine)), but I can't do it on the Asus. The Asus ethernet port has an Atheros chipset, I believe.

I'll still keep on playing with this, to see if I get any more joy. I'll post here if I get some news.

Edited by rosbif
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Interesting to see this post. I've been having the same issues and it's driving me mad.


I'll still keep on playing with this, to see if I get any more joy. I'll post here if I get some news.

Well, don't know it's bad form to reply to ones post, but here goes. It appears that it was the ethernet port on my Asus EEE 904HD. Even though I could work quite happily with later versions of OpenWRT, the Jasager version just didn't.

I picked up a Trendnet TU2-ET100 (USB to Ethernet adaptor) and plugged it into a USB port on the Asus. Worked great, straight off. I could also do everything I needed to with the Jasager firmware on the fon.

So for me, this is case closed.

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Probably not applicable in this case but I had a USB wired NIC I was playing with and I set its MAC address to 00:11:22:33:44:55 then forgot about it for a while, turns out that NIC remembers the MAC even after its been unplugged and that MAC is a broadcast MAC. Some machines would happily talk to it but one particular router I had just refused to have anything to do with it.

Took me a while to figure that lot out.

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