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Can you hack it?


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Not a single mention of The Gibson or Zero Cool? Guess it could be worth watching then. Although it does seem they've missed alot of the notable hackerish people... I guess this will be a wait and see thing. If it turns out to be total crap atleast I've still got Freedom Downtime. :P

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A friend said this about the film and I agree with him 100%:

I am dispassioante about this movie project and Kevin. One of the two directors was a sound man for screen savers. Neither director has any "street" credibility. This is one of those docu-drama's with people who have been on screen savers.

Kevin rose doesn't have the credibility to be part of the hacking community. He's a mouth piece. Leo ... well he's Leo LaPorte. An opprotunist, and lacks the intelligence to unscrew a light bulb or the commonse sense to turn the light off before unscrewing it.

Both of these "special" individuals are trying to get their "followers" to watch the film.

IMDB says kevin is an actor. Kevin lacks even the basic acting ability to do gay porn.

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:lol: Unfortunatly, he's right. It's kind of sad though, I would really like to see a propper "hacker" film. I wonder what affect a movie like that would have on the general public (If it were to play in theaters), would froums accross the net become swarmed with people wanting to "Learn to hack"? Or would it stay nice and low profile and never see the screen because the only movies that do are watered down, like the old movie "hackers" or when MTV did that show "Real life, I'm a hacker" show.
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  • 2 weeks later...
First of all, I would like to say that the cast list is awesome.

Steve Wozniak, Kevin Rose, Leo Laporte.

Secondly, I would like to inform Metatron that Leo is the one of reasons that Hak.5 is here today.

So what, it doesn’t make him an authority on hacking. He is a radio personality.

I respect Steve Wozniak he’s OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like there's a divide here, as to who regards the people on this cast list as knowledgeable on the issues discussed in the film. However, my limited knowledge of Leo Laporte is that he's a very likeable guy that makes it enjoyable for people to listen and learn about computer information. Even if the man doesn't have an in depth knowledge of things, he's done a great service to people like myself that don't know a lot but want to learn with the limited time they have.

Maybe his role on the film will be interviewing others who know more, we shall see.

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