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Hak.5 Newcomers!


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I like this approach over the baptism of fire thingy we had going. Hello new people, entry is free but its £10 to leave.

Crap.... Do you take paypal?

*Hahaha, 400th post. Crap, that only means I've been on this forum far too long. Ironically I can't afford to leave. Quite the quandary.

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<--- New(b).

I'm new, just got into hak.5 and ended up having a marathon of it. I'l lurk lots in the IRC channel, though if you say my name, and i am awake, the client will beep and blink at me.

Running Windows XP, AMD 64 3200+, 2GB ram, 750GB of HD space (spread over 4 HDs) and my baby, a nVidia 7800GTX.

See ya'll around.

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hey all, i recently saw hak.5 on the podcast, and decided to check it out. it was the right choice. (probably did something wrong, oh well )

Running Windows XP Pro, Intel Pentium M 1.7, 1 gb ram, 80 GB 7200 RPM HDD, and a ATI Mobility Radeon 9700. ( I know it sucks, hope to buy a new laptop later this month)

See you all on the fourm

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Word bitches, welcome accepted. :D

It's about time you guys started a thread about me. :wink:

I used to frequent a couple other forums about a year ago, but wasn't able to get online for about 6 months and lost contact with them...Anyway, I've been looking for a decent community online since and so far I'm liking this place. So...hi.

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plan is to upgrade to dual core next summer :P

i need to be able to game AND render/encode at the same time!

Unfortunately only darren & wess can come play on it :lol:

sorry dude but depending on wot u wanna play that still wont work (myspecs and have a ati powercolor RX 1800XT 512MB ) btw it does have SP2 , the proggy just dont seem to b able to find/recognise it.

and b4 anyone points me on it i kno i need another gig of ram and a extra HD :(

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