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Jasager for Laptop?


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Okay, my question is, is it possible to set up a Jasager type environment on a laptop without the use of the Fon Router/Pineapple?

The following is a basic example, there are no nice little features like keeping hop counts, undetectable through networks, or broadcasting of multiple SSID's based on probes from other devices. However, flaming is welcomed if you feel the need, and if you do feel the need, then at least make it informative so I can at least learn something from it.


I have two wireless dongles/adapters hooked up to a laptop. Adapter A is broadcasting an SSID. I then connect Adapter B to the local WiFi, and I bridge the two connections. I then sniff the traffic accross the bridge.


Would this work? I'm thinking I could get this going in Windows, just host an Ad-Hoc connection, and bridge the two adapters. Just grab a few laptops and wireless adapters and set it up, and see if it works. I know it's bad to ask first then try, but I figured it was an interesting idea that I'm sure has been done before, but maybe your like me and never heard of it and want to try it. Let me know what you find, or if you've done it.

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thanks for the info. i'll have to try all that out. ya, i thought of the ad-hoc thing too. but most people wouldn't even know the difference if they saw that anyways. the only problem is people who do know would see it and probably try to own you. hahaha. so maybe karmetasploit is the best method.

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