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Insurance For Pirates


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The last 2 weeks there has emerged 2 new insurance companies, whit the

site names Tankafritt.nu and delaut.se.

Basically if u live in Sweden u can pay "now don’t hang me up on this" about

20$ USD a year, and what the insurance company does for u is that if u get

caught downloading illegal Music, Movies, Programs and stuff like that, and

get a claim for compensation then they will pay it out for u, and u get a

t-shirt that says "I Got Convicted For File sharing, and all i got was a shitty t-shirt"

and the spokesperson for Tankfritt.nu tells there is plans for expansion:

We have plans for Denmark. Now its all about checking the legal basis to see

if it possible. It is important that we don’t break the law. Says Magnus Bråth,

the 29 year old owner of tankafritt.nu

I hope its going to be legal in Denmark and if it does I want to get that

insurance â€not that I need/will ever need itâ€.

So what do u think about it all?

Ps. info found on piratgruppen.org and don’t kill me for my spelling,

gramma etc.

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I would have a field day... I havent been caught for anything yet and hope i never do. and now i wish i lived in sweden haha.

I do too. A friend of mines girlfriend lives in Sweden and whenever he visits her, he says it beautiful there.

Great laws, beautiful landscape, beautiful women. I'm ready to move.

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I have been to Sweden, "I'm form Denmark u know ;P" i will say its a nice

place but i will say that there isent that big a differance from Sweden and

Denmark, the biggest it propably the ladys

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I have been to Sweden, "I'm form Denmark u know ;P" i will say its a nice

place but i will say that there isent that big a differance from Sweden and

Denmark, the biggest it propably the ladys

Another very good friend of mine just got back from traveling around Europe (he went to Ireland, Italy, Spain, Amsterdam and England) and in every picture he took there's nothing but beautiful women. Can't say the same for the US. In the end, I would love to go anywhere in Europe.

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