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Moving Ubuntu (persistant) files over to my USB Multipass


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After watching Shannon's demonstration on episode 6X17, I created a persistent live Linux install on a flash drive using the application and instructions found on LinuxLiveUSB.com.

I already have another functioning USB multipass flash drive and would like to move the new installation of the persistent Linux install over to the USB Multipass.

Now I just need a menu.lst that would boot the new installation once I move it. Can someone take a look at the directory structure and provide one?

    |   stable
    |   unstable
        |   Release
        |   Release.gpg
        |   +---binary-i386
        |   |       Packages.gz
        |   |       Release
        |   |       
        |   \---source
            |       Packages.gz
            |       Release

    |   +---b
    |   |   +---b43-fwcutter
    |   |   |       b43-fwcutter_012-1_i386.deb
    |   |   |       
    |   |   \---build-essential
    |   |           build-essential_11.4_i386.deb
    |   |           
    |   +---d
    |   |   +---dkms
    |   |   |       dkms_2.1.0.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb
    |   |   |       
    |   |   \---dpkg
    |   |           dpkg-dev_1.15.4ubuntu2_all.deb
    |   |           
    |   +---f
    |   |   \---fakeroot
    |   |           fakeroot_1.12.4ubuntu1_i386.deb
    |   |           
    |   +---g
    |   |   +---gcc-4.4
    |   |   |       g++-4.4_4.4.1-4ubuntu8_i386.deb
    |   |   |       libstdc++6-4.4-dev_4.4.1-4ubuntu8_i386.deb
    |   |   |       
    |   |   \---gcc-defaults
    |   |           g++_4.4.1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb
    |   |           
    |   +---l
    |   |   +---linux-wlan-ng
    |   |   |       linux-wlan-ng-doc_0.2.9+dfsg-2ubuntu2_all.deb
    |   |   |       linux-wlan-ng_0.2.9+dfsg-2ubuntu2_i386.deb
    |   |   |       
    |   |   \---lupin
    |   |           lupin-support_0.27_all.deb
    |   |           
    |   +---m
    |   |   \---mouseemu
    |   |           mouseemu_0.16-0ubuntu4_i386.deb
    |   |           
    |   +---n
    |   |   +---ndisgtk
    |   |   |       ndisgtk_0.8.4-1_i386.deb
    |   |   |       
    |   |   \---ndiswrapper
    |   |           ndiswrapper-common_1.54-2ubuntu1_all.deb
    |   |           ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.54-2ubuntu1_i386.deb
    |   |           
    |   +---p
    |   |   +---patch
    |   |   |       patch_2.5.9-5_i386.deb
    |   |   |       
    |   |   \---pptp-linux
    |   |           pptp-linux_1.7.2-3_i386.deb
    |   |           
    |   +---s
    |   |   \---setserial
    |   |           setserial_2.17-45_i386.deb
    |   |           
    |   \---u
    |       \---ubiquity
    |               oem-config-gtk_2.0.6_all.deb
    |               oem-config_2.0.6_all.deb
        |   \---bcmwl
        |           bcmwl-kernel-source_5.10.91.9+bdcom-0ubuntu4_i386.deb



    |   VirtualBox.exe
    |   Virtualize_This_Key.exe
        |   LiesMich.txt
        |   Portable-VirtualBox.exe
        |   ReadMe.txt
        |   |   License_en_US.rtf
        |   |   msvcp71.dll
        |   |   msvcr71.dll
        |   |   msvcrt.dll
        |   |   QtCoreVBox4.dll
        |   |   QtGUIVBox4.dll
        |   |   QtNetworkVBox4.dll
        |   |   QtOpenGLVBox4.dll
        |   |   SDL.dll
        |   |   SDL_ttf.dll
        |   |   VBoxC.dll
        |   |   VBoxDbg.dll
        |   |   VBoxDD.dll
        |   |   VBoxDD2.dll
        |   |   VBoxDD2GC.gc
        |   |   VBoxDD2R0.r0
        |   |   VBoxDDGC.gc
        |   |   VBoxDDR0.r0
        |   |   VBoxDDU.dll
        |   |   VBoxEFI32.fd
        |   |   VBoxEFI64.fd
        |   |   VBoxGuestPropSvc.dll
        |   |   VBoxHeadless.exe
        |   |   VBoxManage.exe
        |   |   VBoxNetDHCP.exe
        |   |   VBoxOGLhostcrutil.dll
        |   |   VBoxOGLhosterrorspu.dll
        |   |   VBoxOGLrenderspu.dll
        |   |   VBoxREM.dll
        |   |   VBoxREM32.dll
        |   |   VBoxREM64.dll
        |   |   VBoxRT.dll
        |   |   VBoxSDL.exe
        |   |   VBoxSharedClipboard.dll
        |   |   VBoxSharedCrOpenGL.dll
        |   |   VBoxSharedFolders.dll
        |   |   VBoxSVC.exe
        |   |   VBoxTestOGL.exe
        |   |   VBoxVMM.dll
        |   |   VBoxVRDP.dll
        |   |   vboxwebsrv.exe
        |   |   VirtualBox.chm
        |   |   VirtualBox.exe
        |   |   VMMGC.gc
        |   |   VMMR0.r0
        |   |   VRDPAuth.dll
        |   |   
        |   \---drivers
        |       +---network
        |       |   +---netadp
        |       |   |       VBoxNetAdp.cat
        |       |   |       VBoxNetAdp.inf
        |       |   |       VBoxNetAdp.sys
        |       |   |       
        |       |   \---netflt
        |       |           VBoxNetFlt.cat
        |       |           VBoxNetFlt.inf
        |       |           VBoxNetFlt.sys
        |       |           VBoxNetFltNotify.dll
        |       |           VBoxNetFlt_m.inf
        |       |           
        |       +---USB
        |       |   +---device
        |       |   |       VBoxUSB.cat
        |       |   |       VBoxUSB.inf
        |       |   |       VBoxUSB.sys
        |       |   |       
        |       |   \---filter
        |       |           VBoxUSBMon.cat
        |       |           VBoxUSBMon.inf
        |       |           VBoxUSBMon.sys
        |       |           
        |       \---vboxdrv
        |               VBoxDrv.cat
        |               VBoxDrv.inf
        |               VBoxDrv.sys
        |   |   License_en_US.rtf
        |   |   Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
        |   |   msvcp80.dll
        |   |   msvcr80.dll
        |   |   QtCoreVBox4.dll
        |   |   QtGuiVBox4.dll
        |   |   QtNetworkVBox4.dll
        |   |   QtOpenGLVBox4.dll
        |   |   SDL.dll
        |   |   VBoxC.dll
        |   |   VBoxDbg.dll
        |   |   VBoxDD.dll
        |   |   VBoxDD2.dll
        |   |   VBoxDD2GC.gc
        |   |   VBoxDD2R0.r0
        |   |   VBoxDDGC.gc
        |   |   VBoxDDR0.r0
        |   |   VBoxDDU.dll
        |   |   VBoxEFI32.fd
        |   |   VBoxEFI64.fd
        |   |   VBoxGuestPropSvc.dll
        |   |   VBoxHeadless.exe
        |   |   VBoxManage.exe
        |   |   VBoxNetDHCP.exe
        |   |   VBoxOGLhostcrutil.dll
        |   |   VBoxOGLhosterrorspu.dll
        |   |   VBoxOGLrenderspu.dll
        |   |   VBoxREM.dll
        |   |   VBoxREM2.rel
        |   |   VBoxRT.dll
        |   |   VBoxSDL.exe
        |   |   VBoxSharedClipboard.dll
        |   |   VBoxSharedCrOpenGL.dll
        |   |   VBoxSharedFolders.dll
        |   |   VBoxSVC.exe
        |   |   VBoxTestOGL.exe
        |   |   VBoxVMM.dll
        |   |   VBoxVRDP.dll
        |   |   vboxwebsrv.exe
        |   |   VirtualBox.chm
        |   |   VirtualBox.exe
        |   |   VMMGC.gc
        |   |   VMMR0.r0
        |   |   VRDPAuth.dll
        |   |   
        |   \---drivers
        |       +---network
        |       |   +---netadp
        |       |   |       VBoxNetAdp.cat
        |       |   |       VBoxNetAdp.inf
        |       |   |       VBoxNetAdp.sys
        |       |   |       
        |       |   \---netflt
        |       |           VBoxNetFlt.cat
        |       |           VBoxNetFlt.inf
        |       |           VBoxNetFlt.sys
        |       |           VBoxNetFltNotify.dll
        |       |           VBoxNetFlt_m.inf
        |       |           
        |       +---USB
        |       |   +---device
        |       |   |       VBoxUSB.cat
        |       |   |       VBoxUSB.inf
        |       |   |       VBoxUSB.sys
        |       |   |       
        |       |   \---filter
        |       |           VBoxUSBMon.cat
        |       |           VBoxUSBMon.inf
        |       |           VBoxUSBMon.sys
        |       |           
        |       \---vboxdrv
        |               VBoxDrv.cat
        |               VBoxDrv.inf
        |               VBoxDrv.sys
        |   |   mount_windows_drive.sh
        |   |   session_file.sh.desktop
        |   |   vbox_additions.sh
        |   |   
        |   +---.VirtualBox
        |   |   |   VirtualBox.xml
        |   |   |   
        |   |   +---HardDisks
        |   |   |       About LinuxLive VMDK.txt
        |   |   |       LinuxLive.vmdk
        |   |   |       
        |   |   +---Machines
        |   |   |   \---LinuxLive
        |   |   |       |   LinuxLive.xml
        |   |   |       |   
        |   |   |       \---Logs
        |   |   |               VBox.log
        |   |   |               
        |   |   \---VDI
        |   |           About LinuxLive VDI file.txt
        |   |           LinuxLive.vdi
        |   |           
        |   +---language
        |   |       english.ini
        |   |       french.ini
        |   |       german.ini
        |   |       italian.ini
        |   |       portuguese.ini
        |   |       spanish.ini
        |   |       
        |   +---settings
        |   |       settings.ini
        |   |       snetcfg_x64.exe
        |   |       snetcfg_x86.exe
        |   |       SplashScreen.jpg
        |   |       
        |   \---tools
        |           extraction.ini
        |           mpress.exe
        |           upx.exe
        |       settings.ini
        |       launcher.log
        |       Constants.au3
        |       GUIConstantsEx.au3
        |       IE.au3
        |       Portable-VirtualBox.au3
        |       String.au3
        |       VirtualBox.au3
        |       VirtualBox.ico
        |       Virtualize_This_Key.au3
        |       Virtualize_This_Key.ico
            |       UserManual.pdf
            |       VBoxGuestAdditions.iso


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  • 7 months later...

I'm having trouble figuring out the options as well. Has anyone else attempted this yet?

After watching Shannon's demonstration on episode 6X17, I created a persistent live Linux install on a flash drive using the application and instructions found on LinuxLiveUSB.com.

I already have another functioning USB multipass flash drive and would like to move the new installation of the persistent Linux install over to the USB Multipass.

Now I just need a menu.lst that would boot the new installation once I move it. Can someone take a look at the directory structure and provide one?

Edited by manite
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I'm not sure if you would be able to copy all of the files for the persistent system into its own folder, but you can try. If not, you can of course just keep all of the files/folders on the root of the drive and essentially all you would have to do is modify the syslinux config options to make them work with GRUB4DOS in your menu.lst, which is almost effortless (just take a look at the files in the syslinux directory and you can figure out what you need to put in your menu.lst).

If you have multiple OSes that use the casper squashfs filesystem, you may want to take a look at this.

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