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Parsing the House Health Bill

Sigh because the bill isn't what is needed, gives to much to insurance companies and is a general hodge-podge of crap invented to support various peoples vested interests. I have no idea why providing health care is so much of a fight in the US, its a pretty basic thing for most country's so why a gigantic super power screwed it up so much is anyones guess. I have no idea why a basic public option couldn't have been put in place along side a system of making peoples private insurance payments tax-deductible under a certain income. (i.e you either pay national insurance or private insurance, your choice) It works everywhere else, why not the US? Instead you have this bizarre carnival of morons staging some fucked up pantomime.

I am with Kucinich on this one, its a total waste of paper, effort and money. American can do better.


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Parsing the House Health Bill

Sigh because the bill isn't what is needed, gives to much to insurance companies and is a general hodge-podge of crap invented to support various peoples vested interests. I have no idea why providing health care is so much of a fight in the US, its a pretty basic thing for most country's so why a gigantic super power screwed it up so much is anyones guess. I have no idea why a basic public option couldn't have been put in place along side a system of making peoples private insurance payments tax-deductible under a certain income. (i.e you either pay national insurance or private insurance, your choice) It works everywhere else, why not the US? Instead you have this bizarre carnival of morons staging some fucked up pantomime.

I am with Kucinich on this one, its a total waste of paper, effort and money. American can do better.


Because it's the land of the free... you can either pay lots and be rejected when you need the insurers help then die, or die without any red tape, your choice!

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Vako this is one of the few times I agree. This is a load of crap, and this is why I fear the public option, with private it is easy to remove crapy solutions, you don't go with them, but the goverment it is one monopoly you have to pay (or move out of country, so I guess it is not total lock in).

Also what is your opinion on pre existing conditions... mine I see that it sucks and that private insurance uses it corruptly but also without it I can see no way that insurance could run successfully (no profit or profit). Why?

Well as I see it if they had to except pre existing conditions then no one would buy it until they didn't need it, so there would never be people paying that where not sick (they would get it when they need it).

I would love to hear your views :).

Also what Kuninich says I agree with, though his solution I don't agree so much with but still well put.

Also pass some legislation to limit lawyers (oh wait why would they limit their own power :))

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The best way to deal with the public option and the problems it may or may not have is for the main political parties to sit down and work together for the best interests of the people. Unfortunately you had the republican party who refused to have any type of rational debate over the subject, instead opting for an ideological battle because the slipped from power. This could have been about any issue, it didn't matter that it was healthcare, and they would have responded in the same fashion. But unfortunately, without a coherent adult debate on the subject, this is what you get. A huge boondogle that doesn't help anyone its supposed to.

With healthcare, the very fact of the matter is that no matter who you are, your status or your financial circumstances, you should be able to access a quality basic healthcare service. There is plenty of room for private insurance but this doesn't discount the fact that running your entire healthcare service as a for-profit system will lead to inequality and lack of access. This costs everyone more as preventable conditions escalate into situations where people can loose there jobs, and become a burden to everyone by needing disability or welfare. This is especially true if you have a pre-existing condition that can be managed such as epilepsy or a heart condition which would make gaining private insurance much harder and much more expensive.

In my system, you would simply have a choice of opting to pay for private insurance individually, or a company scheme, or opting to pay for a public option via a national insurance contribution taken from your paycheck. There are arguments for people who do not want to pay for any healthcare at all, but this is a non-starter. Healthcare is something everyone will eventually need, no matter who you are. If you opt to not pay for any healthcare, eventually everyone suffers because you will need some form of treatment, and it will probably be expensive emergency room treatment.

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