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ISP question


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Recently through my community college JCCC i got access to the MSDNAA, which is the website that Microsoft setup so you can download of bunch of their software and operating systems for free as long as your getting a degree in the computer field. I started downloading all the software which is about 170 items, i have downloaded around 130 gigs of legal software. Well yesterday my internet gets shut off, so i call my ISP and the reason it was shut off was because i had downloaded 18 gigs per day for a week and since i had two copyright infringements they shut off my internet, i was not downloading anything illegal. There is also no cap on my internet. I was wondering if they have right to do this?

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I heard of similar issues, call your ISP, explain where it's coming from and ask for exact logs detailing for where the files were being downloaded. Could someone be downloading stuff from your internet (unsecured WiFi)? It's most likely an error from their parts.

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Ask them for a Fair Use Agreement (as Deveant mentioned) and if they can't provide you with one, record the name and employee number of the person that gave you the information. If they don't have a Fair Use Agreement, they can't shut you down without a valid reason (and using what you paid for isn't one). With the recorded info, you will have material to fight them back and to tell them to F*ck off.

This is the way I dealt with a few companies and it usually work because you keep track of the info you receive (and you can magically misplace the recordings of the info that doesn't please you)

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heh... damn. 18 gigs per day?! shiz. best I did (as per my router logs) was "March 2009 (Incoming: 36958 MB / Outgoing: 6239 MB)" For the Month! Highest download per day was the 15th. it was 8581 MB... I have no idea what I was downloading (cant remember :P) but I think I was watching online movies from Netflix all that month...

Good job man! ;)

Also heh. You got MSDN access? So do I. Know what else I got access to? VmWare ELMS w00t!

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make sure your ISP doesnt have Fair Play in its Terms and Agreements. Also were the illegal download warning before you downloaded from microsoft?

They caught me 3 years ago and the most recent one was in January and i just started downloading the Microsoft stuff about a week ago. I looked for the fair use on google but couldn't find anything, if you would like to help me search the company is Surewest formerly Everest KC.

I just want to Thank You guys for all the help I'm hoping to use all this information to convince my dad to switch ISPs.

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Information from there Acceptable Use Policy:

"# In a manner which interferes with other customers' use and enjoyment of the services provided by SureWest. "

"Customer must ensure that its activity and that of its users do not improperly restrict, inhibit or degrade any other SureWest customer's use of Services. Users must also ensure their usage does not burden (in the sole judgment of SureWest) the SureWest network, such as by sending unusually large transmissions or large numbers of transmissions, by repeated or coordinated transmissions to the same or a small number of addresses, or by initiating or maintaining consistent transmissions that impact others. The network is robust but not unlimited. "

"... SureWest explicitly retains full discretion to take whatever action it deems appropriate with respect to any Customer to protect the operation of its network and to meet its Internet Service obligations to its other Customers."

from http://www.surewest.com/legal/acceptable_use_policy.php

If your downloading all day everyday they will disable your account. Fair Play.

Every provider in australia have pretty much the same Fair Play police, and im pretty sure it would be similar in the states. Best is simply to limit your downloads to what you need.

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well.. I mean I will have to say this... Just because you have MSDN access does not mean you need EVERYTHING on it.

I mean really. You don't have to download the 3 different versions of XP and the 2 versions of Vista, and the 2 versions of 7, and all the other nit pickity crap they have on there that you probably wont use. Unless your only going to college for another 2 weeks, I would just chill out on what you are downloading. Obviously you probably used every bit of bandwidth for the entire day every day. Unless your on like a 1.5mb connection, there isnt much point of having it all right then and there. Now if it was something less than 8 gigs per day for every day, THEN I would definitely worry about the ISP, but this is just speculation because of the question... How fast is your connection? If it is really fast, then maybe you should just download one or two large chunks a day. If it is slow, then they should not be bitching. If it is moderate then. I dunno. Just dont download all day long, just part of the day.

Unfortunately I will have to say though, that if it is choking the network, then they have every right to slow you down. IMHO not much of a good thing to just cut your service though...

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h3%5kr3w, I know i didn't need to download it all but i have friends who were requesting most of the software. I've given out almost all the Windows XP, Vista, and you can install Windows 7 x64 with a x86 cd-key and will still register with Microsoft so that went to another friend. I just been downloading it all so i have it backed up and could give the software to my friends when they request it. I haven't kept most of it for myself since i didn't need a lot of it, plus i have unlimited cd-key for Windows XP and Server 2003.

I just want to thank you guys for all the help especially Deveant for taking up his time to find the acceptable use agreement.

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you can install Windows 7 x64 with a x86 cd-key and will still register with Microsoft

oh really now?! (twiddlez fingers in a h@%0r type of way)

getting the key for the other 64bit I mean 32 bit version of 7 for my lappy B)

well. Then again. I have worked hard on my Ubuntu 9.04 on my lappy lately getting all the good stuff on it.. (jtr, aircrack, nmap, yerserina, wireshark, metasploit, etc. etc. etc.) sry, but sure beats having to re-config backtrack every time I want to use it off a live cd, and I really don't care for everything it comes with either.

btw, I wasnt really trying to bust your chops there, I was just saying that's probably what you need to do to make sure you don't have another run in with your ISP and most of that stuff you can download you (or most anyone else) will ever use anyways.

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Check your fair use agreement with your ISP, 18GB a day, for just over 2 weeks straight is a hell of a lot on a basic web connection, even with my business class account it would raise eyebrows (I pay extra to avoid these issues). The fact that your handing out MSDN software to your mates is stupid, but irrelevant here. That will come back to bite you in the ass sooner or later, but this isn't it. You need to call your ISP, and talk to then in a polite, adult fashion, you want to ask them what exactly was the reason for the disconnection, and how you can both move forward from this in order for your connection to be restored, and if they feel you are on the correct service plan for your level of usage.

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Why not wait until you get to college? Suck on their bandwidth (which is likely to be a lot quicker than yours?)

I also have to add, that most of the time, the technical teachers will gladly take a couple of cds/dvds from you, and burn the pre-downloaded images right there, and give you your very own cd key to boot.

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