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how can someone be this dumb


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From @Snubs

"Acer officially sucks! Said my netbooks cracked screen was a customer damage and they wanted to charge me 90.00 to fix it!"

Screw you acer. I'm never buying a netbook from you again. I'm not paying for that. Its still under warranty!

@0verd0se I know. and as far as I am concerned, it was defected. Unless whoever stepped on it wants to fess up. :)

so she gets a netbook, cracks the screen (someone stepped on it, as she openly admitted) and expects Acer to pay for it.

next thing you know she'll be driving cars into lakes expecting Honda to replace it.

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Rkiver ... not sure what warranty you have :P never have I ever been able to claim a cracked screen. Dell have swapped a few "water damaged" motherboards :P ofc I didn't tell them that was the problem "It just won't boot damn you!" :D

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Dell do replace cracked screens if you manage to bully the rep into agreeing to it and tell them you've had it done before for free. Amazing how many "one time thing only" you can get if you are an Angry Customer.

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I cracked my dell screen and talked to a repair company. I paid them $50 and they got the screen shipped next day for free (even though the whole computer was out of warranty) and replaced it. Dell wanted like $250 for me to ship to them and have their people replace it.

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Lenovo sent me out to replace many cracked LCDs that you could clearly tell had impact damage. I suppose I shouldn't have replaced those and called it in as potential impact damage, but I figured why not just replace it. They never said a word about it, and I made a lot of customers happy. I also neglected to report every "drink-spill" situation too and just replaced keyboards & system boards whenever necessary. As far as my company was concerned, my satisfaction numbers were high and they didn't care why :P

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From @Snubs

so she gets a netbook, cracks the screen (someone stepped on it, as she openly admitted) and expects Acer to pay for it.

next thing you know she'll be driving cars into lakes expecting Honda to replace it.

I think thats a bit out of context though. I would imagine she tried to get the notebook fixed without telling them about anyone stepping on it. She only tweeted about the stepping on part AFTER she tweeted about them denying the fix under warranty, but its moot point by then since they alreayd denied her claim for the fix, so who really cares.

Maybe some better se skills would have gotten it fixed though...

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Who the fuck would leave their shit somewhere it could get stood on anyway?

+1 valid point, but then again, I'm not one of those people who walk in dog poop and then do the sneaker dance to try and remove it because I wasn't watching where I was going. :)

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Hey "WhoaWhat?"! Wow, how could someone be so DUMB?!

Did you really just create an account just to call me dumb? That's cute, but c'mon. You do the same thing on so many other social networks, don't you get tired of it?

Acer was going to charge me 199.00 for the replacement of my acer's cracked screen- which started as a small crack, possibly by someone moving it, dropping it, stepping on it, punching it, trying to fold it, etc. etc. etc. I do live in a household with a lot of setting up, breaking down sets, moving equipment, etc... I talked them down to 90.00. Even then, the rep told me it was a customer related damage although I didn't say anything about HOW it happened. Which, I would be fine with paying if I knew how it happened, but I didn't. So I mailed it in, because what's to lose? It's under warranty, shipping was free, and the worst they can say is they cant fix it or they'd charge me.

My problem with it was: 1. I didn't know how it happened (AND NO, I do NOT store my netbook on the floor. Don't make judgements, thanks.). 2. It's under warranty for 1 more month. I find it odd that it would get a malfunction now, of all times. 3. They were going to charge me 90.00 when I can get the same netbook for 200.00 now, a new monitor for 50.00, or just buy a new netbook for 300.00.

I'd much rather buy a new screen and replace it myself- therefore, I have a segment, I learn something new, and I save money.

Now, if I could have fit that into a few 140 character tweets, I would've. So before going onto the Hak5 forums and calling me 'dumb', how about you come up to me - straight to my face - and get the story? You took it a little out of context, don't you agree "WhoaWhat?"

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Now, if I could have fit that into a few 140 character tweets, I would've. So before going onto the Hak5 forums and calling me 'dumb', how about you come up to me - straight to my face - and get the story? You took it a little out of context, don't you agree "WhoaWhat?"


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