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BruteForce Ftp


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I want to brute force attack my own FileZilla Server for educational purposes only I swear . I set one up to transfer file between my Desktop and other machine on my network, and though i would be a good learning experience. I would like to carry on usin Ubuntu as I am starting to get to grips with aircrack-ng.


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I want to brute force attack my own FileZilla Server for educational purposes only I swear . I set one up to transfer file between my Desktop and other machine on my network, and though i would be a good learning experience. I would like to carry on usin Ubuntu as I am starting to get to grips with aircrack-ng.


Not to sound discouraging but this won't do you much good. You want to learn about BruteForceing, just google it. A simple paragraph or even sentence explains in detail what bruteforceing is. The only reason why it's possible in Filezilla servers is because by default they don't limit the number of failed login attempts. Anything that you find wort gaining access to will most certainly have this very basic security feature enabled.

Still if Ubuntu is your distro of choice (and a fine distro it is) I would recomend you head over to http://www.remote-exploit.org and checkout the latest version of the Backtrack liveCD. It comes pre loaded with lots of bruteforcing tools and it's Ubuntu(debian) based.

Have fun ;)

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  • 5 months later...

There are plenty of open source tools, for brute forcing FTP, HTTP and other type of services. I myself managed to find several tools and its really fun. I am now brute forcing my own virtual machines.

Hydra is one of them, it can brute force FTP, HTTP and other online based services. But I would really recommend you to do some reading on how to use it first.

In addition, you might want to try to use this tool on a virtual machine, as it could trig your anti-virus software and you won't have much fun with it.

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xhydra its GUI !

Um, interesting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Burning Aces,

I'm just curious but what's not to understand about the Xhydra Gui? I'm sure with hydra (cmd line) you can do far more than what the GUI will allow (I don't know as I haven't used it yet)..but seriously Xhydra labels everything in black and white. If a person is so uneducated (and don't bother trying to learn something) that they don't know what method to run the tool and why..then they really shouldn't be using either hydra or xhydra now should they?

My point is those of us that understand what's going on it's really no different for me whether I use the cmd line or gui..I know what's going on within the program and why ;)


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xhydra isnt even good

hydra itself in cli form is way more powerful and YOU ACTUALLY LEARN HOW TO USE THE TOOL

Totally agree, and I've been using it for a while and it never let me down for a single time.

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